Chapter 5

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Oluchi's POV

I asked Yugi if he's aware that he has 2 souls in his body.

Yugi: 2 souls?

I know that sometimes someone else takes over my body.

But 2 souls, I don't know..

Me: You have the Millenium Puzzle, that's an ancient item that belonged first to an unknown Pharaoh 3,000 years ago.

The Pharaoh has saved the world from a dark force and sealed himself and the dark force in the Puzzle.

So, I think that your other self is the Nameless Pharaoh of 3,000 years ago..

Joey: So you are saying that there are 2 Yugi's?

Emma: Oluchi is trying to say that the soul in the Millenium Puzzle is from the Nameless Pharaoh.

Téa: But what does it actually mean?

Me: That we are now involved in Shadow Games who originally are from 3,000 years ago.

Felia: I sense that someone wants to release the darkness, we must prevent that before that this world will be destroyed.

Tristan: I don't really understand this, but if it's related to Pegasus..

Yugi: We must go and stop Pegasus.

Tomorrow, we will start the journey to the Duelist Kingdom island.

The next day, we went to Domino Pier, to get on the boat that would bring us to the Duelist Kingdom Island.

On the boat, we were stopped by a security guard of Pegasus, because me and Joey didn't have Star Chips.

I wanted to compete in the tournament.

I had already prepeared a deck for the tournament.

Yugi: Guys, I will give you some of my Chips.

Me: Thanks, Yugi.

Later, I was in my room.

I stole a room from Rex Raptor through winning a duel.

Rex: Hey, this is my room!

Me: You have lost, so this is my room!

Rex Raptor ran away.

Me: What a loser, he is.

I was daydreaming about how yesterday I was rescued by Kaiba..

Me: Why do I feel like I know him earlier than the rest?

He's so familiar to me.

Suddenly, Emma came into my room.

Me: You didn't knock on the door.

Emma: Uhm, sorry about that, but how did you get a room?

Me: I won a duel against Rex Raptor!

Emma: Oluchi, Oluchi, you are really so sneaky..

Me: Yeah, I'm lucky, because I don't have to sleep on the floor!

Then, we heard screaming.

We ran to outside.

When we were outside, we saw Yugi and Weevil Underwood talking to each other.

Suddenly Weevil dropped cards in the sea.

Yugi: My Exodia Cards!

I jumped into the sea, to search for the Exodia Cards.

I found all 7 cards.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2023 ⏰

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