the family reunion

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It's been a month since I last got in trouble tomorrow we are going do Jakes family reunion and I hate going to these his family done not love me his parents are ok but everyone else is either weird annoying or just doesn't like me and I aways seem to get in trouble at the family reunion I don't know why but anyway we ate dinner and whent to bed cuz we need to wake up early tomorrow cuz the family reunion is 2 Hours away the next day we woke up eat breakfast and go  in the car me a Jake just talked the whole time ones we got there I was not in a good mood I did not what to be there at all Jake Parked Lily yas sir  be a good girl. Yas sir let's go in jake got out a opened the car door I got out and held his hang we got inside and he said hi to everyone I just stayed quiet by Jake staying with him a couple people said hi to me I said hi back Jake sat on the couch and talk to some of his cousins and I just sat next to him I got on my phone cuz I was bored when Jake grabbed it out of my hand what was that for I say out loud shhh you don't need to be on the phone were with family he says no we're with your family I say back with a attitude I give me the you're in trouble eyes but I just sit there broad about 5 hours later it was finally time to go so we said goodbye and got in the car as soon as we got in the car bebe  what Jake says I'm sorry for earlier  it's fine but one more mistake today and you're phone is gone again yas sir I say and sat back and buckled up got home showered at dinner watch TV show and headed to bed

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