A Destructive Alliance

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I was currently staying at a small guesthouse in muggle London , it's name was " Merlins guesthouse for stranded witches and Wizards " , this was opened by the minister of magic in the year 1945 , when the Wizarding war escalated, houses were bunt , villages were bombed , people were homeless, so the Ministry came up with this solution .

" I can't believe I didn't find this back in my time , it would have made things easier " I thought 

There was a knock on my door, Mrs Chesterfield the current owner of the guesthouse greeted me with a smile 

" Good Morning Lana "

" Good Morning Mrs Chesterfield "

" Here you go your tea and the Daily Prophet " she said 

" Thank you, how was your picnic in the forest of dean ? " I asked 

" Oh ! it was lovely ! I'll tell you everything over dinner " she said and bid me goodbye 

I smiled and opened the prophet, what I saw on the front page made my pop out 


There stood Bellatrix , she looked really beautiful in her white dress and beside her stood Rodolphus he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder, smiling widely.

On Bellatrix left stood Andromeda and Narcissa and beside them stood an older couple , Cygnus and Druella Black . 

On Rodophus right stood Rabastan Lestrange grinning widely and beside him stood another older couple , Corvus and Helen Lestrange.

She couldn't believe that she was the same Bellatrix, she had seen in her time 

Bellatrix lost her beauty and sanity, all thanks to azkaban and serving the hypocrite dark lord but right now she looked gorgeous with her beautiful curly dark hair and striking grey eyes and for once she wasn't smiling maliciously.

Eventhough this young couple  wronged her in so many ways , she couldn't help but feel sad for them.

Bellatrix was already going down the path to her distruction and so were Rodolphus and Rabastan.

During her classes with Dumbledore she remembered him saying that Voldemort had started recruiting young students graduating  Hogwarts from the early 70's itself.

They were many students like Regulus and Barty who didn't want to join the dark lord but did it out of family pressure but this time she wouldn't let this happen , Voldemort would meet his downfall.

Andromeda would be in her seventh year and Narcissa would be in her fifth year along with dear old Malfoy, he's as much of a prat as he was back in her time , " honestly what did Narcissa see in him ! " I thought 

I had talked to Ted Tonks a few times , he was as kind and caring as I remembered 

I just hope things work out , Mom , Dad I'll be needing your blessings

I clutched my stuffed stag and silver lily flower necklace close to me 

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