.*+ prologue+*.

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♡This is my first time writing a story please don't judge me lmao I tried my best♡

♡Please feel free to leave comments if you have any requests for changes or if I made a mistake or if I should add anything ♡

♡please do enjoy!♡

Rose grew up in a small town with her two parents and seven siblings, your probably thinking it's a lot right?

Well it definitely is, especially if your the oldest and basically raising them, she had to grow up fast, she didn't have time to have a childhood.

Her parents where alcoholics and they where either out drunk at the bar or at home passed out drunk. She had to make sure all her siblings where taken care of.

She didn't trust people only her siblings she had gone through so much it was hard to be able to actually trust people.

When their father would get really drunk he would get abusive she has a lot of scars all over her body causing her to be extremely self conscious about her body, she has it in her mind that if someone sees her body they will find her disgusting and shame her.

She will sometimes have nightmares and panic attacks about her past, she usually only gets panic attacks when she's alone. Things can easily trigger anxiety and panic attacks for her if they remind her of her past.

She has long black hair with white pale skin and greenish blue eyes and she has curves she has big breasts a small waist and a big butt with thick thighs, she has stretch marks because of her big butt and thick thighs, another reason making her self conscious about her body. She's pretty short about 5'3

She has a hard time reaching things because of it, she often has to use her tippy toes to do just about anything it's pretty funny especially since she's very clumsy.

Before she joined the military she had gotten into a car accident with her best friend in the car killing her friend, she was absolutely devastated she blamed herself after all she's the one who insisted on going to the store when her friend said it was to late if she had just listened to her friend she would still be alive she thought.

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