Number Four

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(Spiderman does not belong to me!)

Now playing:

No me Queda Mas
By Selena.

"Yo tenía una esperanza En el fondo de mi alma Que un día te quedaras tú conmigo."

Even if Miles did hear my warning he still ends up crashing into a billboard with Pav's girlfriend on it, which is oddly comical since Pav was super awkward around her as Spider-Man, you know the feeling.

"Miles! You okay?"

I swing up to him and pick him up, he's still in a daze but I don't mind. I look down at him with furrowed brows, gently placing him on his feet and making sure he wasn't majorly injured or anything.

" good, im good. Don't worry."

Gwen swings by too, hearing Miles remark and deciding to sass him back.

"I won't."

"Gwen! Be nice."

Miles quickly gets back to swinging on his own, and Gwen just groans at my scolds. Making me frown, what did I expect though? She was a teenager she was bound to try to rebel or be sarcastic no matter what. I don't continue to scold her, making sure to give her the space she wants and perhaps need on a moments notice, what good would it do to fight her anyways?

I swing all the way up to the front, leading the (my) three kids towards the spot, narrowing my eyes as I watch the anomaly pop inside Alchamex like it was nothing, and only then does it click in my mind. His spots, they were charged by some sort of energy, negative energy perhaps, either way, this was from kingpins collider, given how he was blabbering on about needing more spots.

Spot fortunately left a small portal as could go through and follow him inside the lab. I swiftly usher poor scientists out of the complex, they were already running on their own accord, having gotten frightened by the faceless man.

I frown at the amount of arguing my kids were doing, I was getting distracted from all the noises and lights making my senses go haywire, I have the urge to just tell the kids to stay put and deal with The Spot on my own.

I was swinging by pretty quickly through equipment and innocents, only to slam into an electro magnetic field, the Spot on the other side, making his plans come to fruition.

Before the field can fully close up on us I grab a hold onto an opening growing smaller and smaller, my teeth baring under my mask in frustration, the field making me actually have to use some amount of strength to keep it open.

"Can someone get through here!?"

I ask the kids but it seems the opening is too small, making me try to pry it even further open for someone to get in.

"Back up [Y/n] i'm gonna do something."

Miles ushers me to the side, making me side glance him with confusion, but I have hope in him so I let him do what he needs to do, watching the young boy  put his palms on the field and charge up an attack.

I can see Miles straining with the amount of argument and lack of coordinated going on, making finally scold the two of them to let the boy try his charged attack.

"Guys let Miles focus!"

Unfortunately they continue to chatter until I hear distant footsteps, making me halt and turn around, a knowing smile playing on my lips.

A guitar riff rings through the air, and so does a familiar british accent. Hobie kicks through the field with his electro charged guitar, forcing an opening. I smile as I take note of the new pins I had gifted them plastered all over his denim jacket.

Spider man : Across the Spiderverse (Under Editing!)Where stories live. Discover now