__Fridays (Oneshot)__

Start from the beginning

     "Aw Janey, your not being a bother to anyone, If someone or something is making you uncomfortable then please tell us, or just tell me." Noel comforted Jane, grabbing her hand to reassure her. "Oh well.. alright. I'll try" Jane smiled, "anyways, what should I do about him?" The girl questioned, looking back up. "Personally, I think you need to learn how to talk back, your like a Victorian child.." Noel grinned as he stood up and grabbed Jane and pulled her to her feet, she stared at him wide eyed and slightly offended. "I do not!" Jane gasped, "I do not sir Noel of Uranium!" Noel teased, repeating what what she said in an old timey accent.

    "Whatever.." Jane scoffed, laughing. "Anyways, turn around," Noel twirled his finger, to which Jane complied. Noel lightly touched Jane's ass, she quickly sped back around. "Hello??" She asked, "What?" Noel asked like he didn't just grab his friends ass. "What? You grabbed my ass Noel!" Jane laughed, just startled. "And? What are you going to do about it?" He teased, pushing her shoulder gently. "Why you little.." The blonde muttered, catching on to her friends game. "Okay.. your point?" Jane asked with a smile, "you need to learn how to stick up for yourself Janey! Your a total pushover." Noel stated, leaning down to take a sip of his tea, "I am not!" Jane argued "you are too" Noel replied. "Anyways, enough of the banter, let's say I'm a random douche face who came up behind you and slapped your ass, what would you do?" Noel asked, "umm, go to the bathroom and cry?" Jane joked, Noel didn't seem very amused.

     "No, not at all. Okay, let's try that again. Pretend to be me, and someone just grabbed my ass." Jane nodded and thought of something to say. "Well you'd probably slap him right?" Jane questioned, "yes, good start. What else though? You have to have some bark after your bite!" Noel suggested that adding an insult or two would perfect it. "Okay.. so let's pretend I slapped you, then I'm assuming you'd say something incredibly hurtful.. ummm." Jane took a moment to think of something that wouldn't get them kicked out of the cafe. "Maybe something like.. that was rude don't do it again?" She whispered in an unsure tone, giggling a bit at Noel's almost disappointed expression.

     "Wow, umm, no, like not at all." Noel said in shock, slightly offended that Jane would think he'd be so nice. "Well I don't know, could you maybe.. give me an example?" Jane asked, finishing off her tea before it got cold. "Oo, good idea! I love excuses to act like a bitch!" Noel giggled as he also finished off his tea and set the cup down, then turning away from Jane. "Okay, pretend you just called me a faggot or something" Noel said, knowing Jane had nodded. Just then the boy turned around with a scoff, and pretended to slap his friend. "You disgusting limp dick fuck face! I don't know who you think you are doing some shit like that but I promise you that my boyfriend will smash your teeny weeny brains in if he ever heard you call me a fag. Your lucky I'm in a good mood or I swear on my mother you would have a medical bill to pay."

     Noel yelled the words a little too loud, they got a few stares. Noel switched from angry to a happy face so fast it scared Jane. The confused and slightly terrified blonde girl just stared at her friend with wide eyes, while Noel was simply smiling. "Okay, now you try!" Noel beamed as he stared at Jane. "Oh.. I don't know Noel, you know I hate to curse.." Jane trailed off with an unsure expression, "aww c'mon Janey! It'll be funnn, you don't have to curse. Besides, shit talking is a valuable skill" The boy begged. "Oh.. oh alright." Jane sighed as she stood up straight.

"Okay, pretend that you had just grabbed me inappropriately or something.." Jane paused and took a moment to think before speaking again. "Ugh! How dare you, you are a disgusting pig, if you ever even thing about doing something like that again and I promise you that you will regret it! And then maybe a slap or something..?" Jane raised her voice slightly as she spoke her threat, her normal shy and frail voice returning after. Noel wasn't completely satisfied, but that would have to do. "It could use some work, but its a good start!" Noel let out a quiet chuckle as the two of them sat back down, the other customers eyes returning back to their food. "Anyways, you get my point, you gotta learn how to stick up for yourself Janey, I don't wanna see you get hurt." The sincere boy spoke with a kind expression, "I'll try Noel, its hard sometimes for me, but I will try" Jane smiled as she leaned back in her seat. Noel and Jane talked, gossiped, and laughed for a while more before Noel checked his phone. "Damn. Its getting late, wanna come back to my place? I wanna binge Gilmore girls with someone." Noel asked with a smile, already knowing the answer. "Yes!" Jane beamed as they both stood up and cleaned up the table, neither of them ever let Mrs. Blackwoods clean up after them.

         After setting the cups in the sink behind the counter they made there way towards the door. "Bye Mrs. Blackwoods!" Jane said as she smiled at the older woman and waved. "Bye sweetheart! Oh! Here, I have some extra donut holes for you two, have a nice night and be safe!" Mrs. Blackwoods handed Jane the bag of treats as she said her goodbyes to the two friends. They both then walked out the door and walked to Noels house, with Noel having no choice but to listen to Jane's incredibly detailed bug facts.

   Jane and Noel could hardly wait for next Friday.


Here's me stress writing after finding out my vocal coach is making me learn TBOJD🥲

- Laterzz🫶🏻🫶🏻

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