"It truly is such a waste that you're good at the pianoforte. You have no husband to play for and unfortunately for you, your looks are nowhere close to making up for it."

"I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. And I don't need an awful husband to play for when I have a cruel older sister, do I, Clara?" She gasped in an offended manner, but Adelaide didn't care.

"You're never going to be married if you keep this up! You will simply grow to be an old maid."

"Thank you for the unnecessary and unwanted advice, Clara. If you don't mind, I like to be able to hear myself think so your absence would be most appreciated." Her older sister scoffed and left the room, not believing Adelaide's words. The latter sighed and continued playing, letting herself get lost in the music. That was until she heard a carriage passing by outside. She instantly opened her eyes and looked out the window, catching the Holmes family returning from the train station. She stood up and went towards the front door of the house, being stopped by her mother.

"Wherever are you going?"

"To Ferndell Hall to see Enola. Her mother has gone missing and the girl has requested my presence."

"And where are your gloves and hat?" Adelaide looked over towards the stairs, realizing they were upstairs. "Seriously Adelaide? Have you lost all sense and manners in London?" She turned to go retrieve them. "No, stay. Mrs. Green, would you be so kind as to retrieve my daughter's things?" She nodded and hurried out of the room. "You can't act like this! When you're married this will never fly. Your husband will be embarrassed of you."

"Good thing I'm not getting married anytime soon." Her mother hummed.

"We'll see." Adelaide didn't care enough to think about her words when she saw Mrs. Green returning with her things. She thanked her and walked out the door. "You mustn't walk over there, take the family carriage."

"It's not far at all, I am capable of walking."

"And if you walk, they will think you are incapable of affording a carriage. If you want to leave this house, you will be taking the carriage." She sighed but nodded. After waiting for a few minutes for the family driver to hitch up the horses, she was off. When she arrived, she helped herself out of the carriage, not waiting for the driver to do so, and eagerly knocked on the door. After a few moments of waiting, the housekeeper answered it with a smiling face.

"Miss Evans, it's wonderful to see you again."

"You as well, Mrs. Lane. I trust you are well?"

"I am, dear, thank you. Please come in. I know Enola is eager to see you." She was guided to Eudoria's room where all three Holmes siblings stood, the men looking around while Enola stood there.

"Am I correct in assuming Enola has already notified you that your mother wouldn't like you in here and yet you chose to ignore her?" The sixteen-year-old turned around with shocking speed, a large grin on her face.

"Oh, Adelaide! You're here!" The young Holmes girl ran to her, instantly wrapping her arms around the older girl making her stumble back slightly.

"Enola, it's wonderful to see you. You seem taller than the last time I saw you." They stood there hugging until Mycroft spoke.

"Enola, that is not how you greet a guest! What has our mother taught you?"

"With all due respect, Mycroft, you're more of a guest here than I am. You haven't been back in twelve years while I come to visit every few months." He opened his mouth to speak, but Adelaide cut him off. "Or are you secretly upset that I didn't greet you with an embrace as well? I can do so if you would like." A large smile spread across her face when she saw how appalled Mycroft looked. Sherlock simply looked amused by her behavior. "I'm kidding of course, no need to give me a lecture." She extended her hand to him to shake. He did so, looking at her skeptically. "It's a pleasure to see you again, Mycroft, despite the circumstances of this reunion."

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