*First encounter*

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"ARE YOU READY? I'M GONNA LEAVE WITHOUT YOU TWO IF YOU TAKE ANYMORE TIME!" The yelling that came from the spiky blond hair woman could be hear from the neighbor houses, announcing to everyone in the vicinity that the Bakugo family was awake and ready to start the day.

It didn't take long after the woman shouted before a brown haired man and a small blonde child, no older than 3 years old, came from upstairs, saying that they were finishing changing clothes. After getting in the car, the family of three arrived on the closest park to their home.

"Katsuki, listen. Your father and me are gonna sit right on that bench. You play on the playground all you want, and come to us if anything happens. DON'T leave the park alone, okay?"

"I know, I know. You always say that old hag." was the only response that came from the small boy, who much like his mother, didn't like being told what to do or not. After that, Katsuki only ran to the playground, not caring about his mother's yelling nor his father trying to calm her down.

Once he got to the playground, he saw an older girl showing the other children her quirk, which let her change the shape of her nails. In Katsuki's opinion, it was a pretty lame quirk, but every children there seemed to love it, saying it was amazing or something like that.

If he was being honest, Katsuki wanted to show them his quirk too, and have they all amazed by it. Sadly, he didn't get his quirk yet. Tough, it didn't change the fact that he wanted it. After all, all that he knew on his three years old of living was that quirks were the best things on the world, and if you want to be a good hero, you need to have a powerful quirk, right? At least that was what Katsuki thought, and his pre-school teacher seemed to agree with him.

When he was going to get to the playground's swing and ignore the girl and her friends, the small boy realized a little crowd of children looking at a giant house near the park. When he got closer, Katsuki could hear what they were saying.


"What, don't believe me? I'm saying the truth! My dad was the one who told me that a hero lived on that big house over there!"

"Nah, I think you're lying. My parents say that they never saw anyone other than a strange man with red hair leaving the house."

"But what if that man is a pro hero?! I heard that pro heroes usually disguise themselves, how would you know if he's not one of them?"

"Well, maybe because my aunty is one? I would know if I saw a hero in front of me. I'm sure that guy is not a pro hero at all."

Fed up with their little bickering and curious about the story, Katsuki chose to intervene and ask what he wanted. "Hey, if you're so curious, why don't you extras go see?"

Not processing what Katsuki called them, one of the boys answered. "And get caught? No thank you, my mom would kill me if she knew. Plus, it's not like it's easy to get inside there y'know? The wall is reeaally tall. You need at least 2 tall man to get up there."

"Right? That's why I'm sure it's a pro's house. My dad said that heroes always have safe houses, so no villains enter them. Unless you're some kind of pro, you can't enter it."

Ignoring the boys who went back to bickering, Katsuki's eyes could only glimmer at the challenge. It didn't take long for his curiosity and desire to be the best got the best of him. Soon, Katsuki was in front of a big tree beside the back of the big house. Forgetting all his mother told him about not leaving the park alone, he started climbing up the tree, trying to get as high as possible to see what was inside the house.

He didn't get much high before he fell. As someone who hates defeat more than anything else, Katsuki kept trying over and over again. Once, twice, thrice, soon the number of tries was over five. On the seventh fall though, Katsuki saw it. A small hole on the wall covered by the leaves from the trees. The hole was small enough for only a little child or animal pass, but more than enough for little Katsuki, who didn't even reach five yet.

Once on the other side of the wall, what Katsuki saw was nothing more and nothing less than a green backyard. Not too far from him, was a boy with a pink hair like Katsuki never saw, as well as beautiful cyan eyes. Once the pink hair boy saw him, he started to run toward him, making Katsuki surprised.

"You shouldn't be here! Dad will be angry if he found you and mom is already tired because of the baby in her belly! That's not good. I can't let mom be more worried. What should I do? What if dad came home early and found out that someone is here? He would be very mad. Then I'd have to train. And..."

Somewhere in the middle of the murmuring Katsuki lost focus on what the other was saying. The only thing he understood was that the boy's dad would be angry if he found him there. And oh boy, Katsuki knew how an angry parent could be scaring. Knowing that the boy probably was going to continue talking and not wanting to get caught and be in problem, the blonde turned towards the hole where he came from to leave.

"WAIT! Before you go... hm..."

The pink haired boy seemed to want to ask something but was hesitating, so Katsuki, being the blunt and honest child like he was, pressured the boy a bit while having clear annoyance showing in his frown.

"If you want something just say it."

"Ah, w-well, I wanted to know what was your name, and, well, if you don't mind, maybe..."

"Bakugo Katsuki"

Surprising the kid with his fast answer, Katsuki was also surprised to see a boy so shy, wondering if he shouldn't have entered the house.

To his astonishment, after the blue-eyed boy got over his initial shock, what followed was a big and stunning smile, one that made the blonde wonder how a simple smile could be so beautiful.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Todoroki Izuku!"




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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