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The Tower of Mastery sat at an advantage. Across the water, the fiery debris of Shalour City still burned from a month ago. The Black Bone sat on the beaches expecting the gateway to open and welcome them to the tower. The gateway was permanently closed once rumors of the Black Bone attacking Shalour City started. All the citizens were moved to the island, then they closed the passage.

The attack was quick, the Black Bone charged from the wilderness and attacked the coastal city with full force by themselves and their pokemon.

Bonnie POV

"Bonnie get up, we have the training," said Korrina. She was the only person that would wake up at,I groan and look at the alarm clock, 6:05 a.m. "But Korrina," I groan "No, buts Bonnie get up. If you want to be a pokemon trainer you have to work hard and train almost every day. Imagine how hard it is being a gym leader, well a former gym leader since the Black Bone."

"I'm giving you 5 minutes Bonnie, then meet me at the arena." She skates out and I lift myself out of bed. I like living at the Tower of Mastery for sure, but after almost 4 years it was kind of boring. I've done everything from exploring to going to the basement. I'll never go to that basement again, I shudder.

I get up from bed and let my blonde hair fall down right below my shoulders. Dedenne slept on my nightstand right next to my old yellow handbag. "We had some good times with that bag," I say to myself. I wish I could have it all back, with the snap of my fingers.

I go to my mirror where I put my hair in a ponytail. On the edge of my mirror lies the photo we took at Geosenge City on the quest to perfect Lucario's mega evolution.

 On the edge of my mirror lies the photo we took at Geosenge City on the quest to perfect Lucario's mega evolution

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I miss Ash and Serena, I miss our adventures and the battles I experienced. Now, I have my own pokemon, I'm grateful to have Dedenee, Phantump, and Meowstic. One day Phantumo will even evolve into Trevenant. Then it will be so powerful, I won't ever be beaten in a battle.

"Bonnie!" I heard Korrina scream from outside the room. I grabbed my white and yellow striped jacket and screamed back "Coming Korrina!" The rooms of the Tower of Mastery were one story above the mega Lucario statue. I ran down the steps and slapped the Lucario statue while running into the gym. I always slap it for good luck in training.

"You're 2 minutes late Bonnie," she said disapprovingly. "Sorry, anyways I'm ready," I said grabbing my pokeballs from my pocket. I click the two, then I remember. Meowstic and Phantump appear and exclaim their names. I groan and say "Uh, I forgot to get Dedenne."

As I run out of the gym I can hear my pokemon say their names sounding embarrassed. " Phan ... tump," then "Meowstic." Then I hear Korrina "Hurry up Bonnie!" I get to the steps and already see Dedenne running down the steps toward me. "It's about time Dedenne let's go," I start running down the steps and yet again slap the Lucario statue.

I reach the gym again where Korrina already has Lucario out with his wristband. "Hi, Lucario," I say. He responds with a nod.

"Alright Bonnie, we're going to start with a battle today," said Korrina. As she says this Lucario moves forward into the battlefield. I look at my 3 Pokémon and say "Who should we use first today!" Per usual Dedenne immediately rushes forward to the battlefield. "Alright, we're sure to beat Korrina and Lucario today," I say. Dedenne nods as electricity crackles off his two black antennas. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2023 ⏰

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