From Ballerinas To Showgirls

Începe de la început

we get into our booth

"what do you think this spoon is for?" Abby asks

"ice cream!" we all beam

"are we right?" Chloe asks

"yes" Abby says

"yes" Chloe and Paige beam

"oh my god!" Abby says as our waiter brings up two huge ice cream sundaes

i squeal of excitement

"you have ice cream right there....right there" Abby says and she puts ice cream on Kenzies cheek

i start to laugh

it's a really nice time and i hope we have more moments like this!

|Two Days To Competition|

"so you're at the top of the pyramid kiddo" mommy says to Chloe

"yeah but Miss Abby has been saying to me like oh since Maddies not in this you have to win you have to win" Chloe says

"you don't have to win because Maddies not in this you're Chloe you're different and there's nothing wrong with being Chloe, Chloe's amazing cause i wouldn't trade one Chloe for a hundred Maddies" mommy says

"Miss Abby has been like saying you've been winning and you don't want to not place like your sister but Chlo places..she wins" i say

"i know, Miss Abby is just a bully..if she was at school she would be in Mrs Holly's office" mommy says

i laugh

me and Chloe soon go into the bedroom with Clara and mommy leaves the room for a bit..

"how do you feel with your solo?" Chloe asks

"i like it but i'm nervous i won't win" i say

"you will i know you will" Chloe hugs me

|Competition Day|

we get to the dressing room and it's a big rush...the group is first and mommy helps me and Chloe with our costume and hair and makeup

the group is first and mommy helps me and Chloe with our costume and hair and makeup

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Group costume:

"judges up next..Sinful" the announcer says

we all enter the stage and we all get solo parts
and i make sure my one is good and i try to act out my part
we finish the group routine and i think we did good

|Group Awards|

"in seventh place..Sinful" the announcer says

i look to Chlo and she gets our award

"Miss Abby is going to kill us" Paige says

i nod in agreement

we go back to get ready solos

and i get in my costume and i love it!

and i get in my costume and i love it!

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Camilas solo costume:

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Camilas solo costume:

"awh look at you" mommy says

mommy then does my hair then she does Chloes

a drama happens with Paige's costume and Kelly gets really mad

and her number ends up being pulled..

we go backstage for Brookes solo
and i think she does a really good job

Nia then performs her solo and now it's time for mine and Chloes solo

me and Chloe walk hand in hand backstage

"good luck..remember your face for the start and your turns" Chloe hugs me

i smile and nod

"welcome to the stage Camila performing Belle" the announcer says

i enter the stage and my music starts and i make sure to give attitude
and to really play the part
i think my turns go good and i finish my solo

Chloe gives me a big hug after

"you did so good" Chloe says

"thank you" i smile

Chloe does her solo next
and i really think she did a good job

i give her a hug after she does her solo

|Solo Awards|

"for our petite soloists.." the announcer starts

"our first place petite soloist is..Camila with Belle"

i smile and i get my award

for the other categories

Brooke got third
Chloe and Nia didn't place

"i'm so proud of you" mommy hugs me

Camila Lukasiak || Dance Moms Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum