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"Back up! Everyone must evacuate the area!"

"Someone! Anyone who is an adventurer! Please help!"

"Papa! Mama!"

Numerous cries rang out in the crowd as people fled for their lives. Lower class adventurers arrived on the scene in small groups, fending off the monsters and rescuing endangered townsfolk. There were too many monsters to account for. The larger ones smashed up nearby buildings and sent everything flying. Aerial monsters picked off unarmed, defenseless civilians at will. Some members of Ganesha familia had long-ranged specialists taking shots from the upper levels of the Colosseum. They struggled to take them down, fearing the consequences of a missed arrow raining down on someone on the ground. Not only that, should their shots not immediately vaporize a monster, having them fall could crush unsuspecting groups of people in nearby houses and businesses. There was very little room for error. Death piled up gradually every second.

"This isn't good!" Hestia said, concealing herself behind some shrubbery. "Where are the other adventurers? There should be way more here at this point."

"They should be here soon." Hephaestus believed. "We shouldn't get any closer, or we'll be targets as well."

Deion looked around at the area. The three of them made it within seventy yards of the main action. "You two stay here. I'll try and keep some of the monsters at bay."

Hestia looked at him in bewilderment. "Are you crazy!? You're going out there and fighting all those beasts? I'm not letting you get yourself killed like that!"

"Hell no! But we can't just sit here and watch people die. At the very least, I can distract them long enough to get people away. Maybe these first responders can get a hit in while that's going on."

"Hestia is right but...if you're so sure of yourself.." Hephaestus pointed out to the open area closer to the Colosseum. "I know it's unethical to some, but it'll help you out. Take what you can. We'll take care of evacuating as many as we can."

Hestia had a "What?" ready but found herself dragged by the arm before she could get a word out. Deion took a longer look at the vicinity. First at the commotion, then back at where Hephaestus pointed. The distance between them seemed far enough, so he snuck out of cover. As he approached, Deion could see it clearer: the body of a fallen soldier. A former member of Ganesha familia who fell from a great height, based on the condition of the body. The mask he wore had cracked, but still covered much of his face. The orange garment he sported now coated in red. His weapon laid on the ground nearby; an iron-tipped spear with blood around the handle.

"Never used an actual lance before." Deion thought, picking it up and inspecting the rest of the body. With a brief nod and a prayer, he took off with the goal of distracting the monsters until help arrived.

Once he got within 15 meters, Deion started tapping the spear on the ground and shouting. "Hey! Over here! All eyes on me!"

The nearest enemies were the Miraj: bipedal rabbits that carried tiny hatchets. There were several swarming around a frightened group of people, but some branched off and surrounded Deion. He backed away, taking a wide, sweeping strike to clear some space. One of the Miraj took a chance and leaped forward, only to be sent flying another direction.

"Go! Move while you have a chance!" he shouted at the crowd, who promptly made their way out of the area.

Deion continued moving backwards into danger, slapping the metal tip of the spear on the ground and yelling out for attention. He hardly had time to look around, but he could hear them taking off before anything else could attack them. A shadow swept above him, as a monster took notice of him and began another quick descent.

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