Chapter 2: Settling In

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Within the Maximal base, their crashed ship the Axalon, its occupants was gathered together on the bridge. They stood around the circular table in the center of the room as they listen to Raf tell his story. He left nothing out as he told of how he was captured and used as a bargaining chip by the Decepticons all the way up to when Optimus Prime destroyed the Omega Lock to save the Earth and the blinding explosion that followed before waking up here. Once he was finished with his tale he looked nervously at the Maximals for their reactions and saw they were mixed.

Rhinox seems to be pondering what he said; Raf wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. Cheetor though looks to have been entertained by the story. Dinobot just growled, but looked interested in what was said. Optimus though appeared to be in the same boat as Rhinox. Rattrap on the other hand looked unconvinced.

"Do you really think we're going to believe such a far fetch tale like that?" Rattrap says.

"He doesn't seem to be lying." Cheetor offers.

"Well, pussycat, this sounds like a load of baloney to me."

As those two began to bicker with each other Rhinox decided to ask Raf some questions that had about something mentioned in his story.

"What energy was this Omega Lock drawing from exactly?" Rhinox asks.

"Fro-from what Optimus, my Optimus, told us it acts as a sort of conduit to the Allspark and draws energy from it." Raf answers nervously. He knew that his story would be hard to believe, and saying it out-loud made it sound ridiculous even to him, but it was the truth and he hopes he can convince them of it. He didn't want to sound like he was crazy after all.

"It drew energy from the Allspark." The intrigue in Rhinox's voice was palpable as he continued to ponder on this. "And what exactly is this Allspark?"

"Oh don't tell me you're not actually believing any of this Rhinox?" Rattrap asks in disbelieve.

"His story seems too thorough to be fake."

"Thorough? The only thing thorough here is how unbelievable his story is! It's clear to me that he got something knocked loose in there from the landing."

"We scanned him when he arrived and found nothing out of place; just a few dings here and there that can be dealt with later."

"And your sure one of those dings wasn't on his-"

"In any case we should get Rafael settled in." Optimus Primal interjected. He did not need this argument going on any longer. "Cheetor, can you show Rafael to his quarters."

"You got it big bot." Cheetor answers with a nod as he motioned Raf to follow. "Come on I'll show you the way around here."

Raf was hesitant to follow but eventually did after a moment or two. After all, Cheetor seems like a nice guy after all.

Once the two were off the bridge the only silent member among them finally spoke.

"As much as it pains me to admit this but the rodent has a point. His story is unbelievable." Dinobot said. "Even with all that we've been through since arriving on this world I would, at best, be skeptical of this."

"I figured as much." Optimus Primal acknowledges. "Which is why I'm having Tigatron bring in Raf's stasis pod. Hopefully we'll get some answers from it."


Raf followed Cheetor through the ships' metal corridors and being shown its various rooms on the way to his own room. So far they've passed by a few rooms of note. One of them was the munitions room pack full of ammo, weapons, and explosives. Another would be the simulation room that Cheetor said was mostly used nowadays for training, be it with weapons or tactics. The last one they'd passed was the holding cells, though they were empty at the moment.

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