-Chapter 1-

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"Alexis Marie Crayton! Get your lazy ass down here this instant and make me my eggs!"

My fathers drunken voice echoed throughout the house, waking me from my slumber.

Yawning, I pulled on the same thing I had worn the day before; a navy blue sweater and ripped leggings.

I didn't have a whole lot of outfits to choose from and was only allowed to was my clothes once every other week. So needless to say, they stunk. And so did I.

Pulling my greasy, blond hair into a messy ponytail, I slumped downstairs, keeping my head low.

"About damn time." My father barked, not looking up from the television.

The living room was littered with empty beer bottles and cans, and the air was fairly smoky.

No surprise there. I thought, gathering the stuff to make breakfast. Okay, eggs? Check. Ham? Check. Bacon? Check. Cheese? Check. Bread and butter? Check. Milk? Shit, no. Don't see why it matters, all he does is drink all fucking day. I bit my tongue and mentally cursed myself for thinking badly of my father.

"We're uh, out of milk..." I mumble, still furiously scanning the refrigerator.
"So go to the store and get some!" My father roared, turning up the volume on the television.
"The market isn't open today..."
"Damn it girl! Must I do everything myself?"

He stormed into the kitchen, beer bottle still in hand. I stood there silently, watching him rip apart the fridge. Once he too had decided we were out of milk, he whipped around to face me. His eyes were filled with hatred and he smelled strongly of alcohol and cigarettes. I forced myself to look at the ground, trying my hardest not to cry.

The next thing I know, I'm on the kitchen floor, broken glass surrounding me, along with a puddle of beer and blood.
"Clean up this damn mess!" My father barked before storming off. "Some daughter you are." He muttered and the front door slammed shut, his engine roaring to life a moment later.

Once I'm certain he's gone, I curl up into a ball, hugging my knees, my cheek throbbing. Bringing my hand up to it, I wince. When I pull my hand back, there's blood on it. Tears spill down my face, staining my face.

At some point, the back door creaks open and footsteps echo off the tile floor. They stop. I look up and meet the hard, hatred filled gaze of my older brother. Without so much as a word, he continues down the hall, his bedroom door slamming behind him. I continue crying.

"It's okay baby. Everything will be just fine." A gentle hand played with my hair, her soft voice soothing me. "Now, let's wipe those tears of yours and clean up, yeah?" I nodded and wiped my tears.

The doorbell rings. I groan, struggling to open my eyes. I'm still surrounded by glass. The doorbell rings again.
"God damn it Alexis! Get the fucking door!" My brother shouts from his room and I wince.

The doorbell rings once more and I finally get up from my spot on the beer soaked, glass covered floor. Wiping my face on my sweater, I stumble over to the door, opening it slowly.

"About damn time you answ-Alex?" My brother's best friend, Jake, stood at the door, looking worried. "Alex? What happened?" He took a step closer to me and shook me lightly when I didn't answer.
"Nothing...I'm fine..." I whispered, looking down at the ground.
"Where's your brother?"
"I-in his room..." Jake nodded, then cupped my injured cheek softly.
"Why don't you go wait in my car?"
"What? Why...?" I looked up at him quickly and my head starting spinning. "I-I've got work and chores..." I mumbled, swaying slightly.
"You're not going anywhere. You're staying with me." He looked down at me concerned. "Alex, what did you have for breakfast?"

I didn't respond. I couldn't. My mouth felt dry. I felt dizzy, drained. My knees buckled beneath me but I never hit the ground.

"Alex? C'mon Lexi, stay awake." I couldn't see. I could only hear Jake speaking, lightly hitting my un-injured cheek. Then it all went silent, still. I couldn't hear Jake, couldn't feel him beside me. I was slipping into unconsciousness.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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