The waterfall divided into two so you could enter the cave.
Y/n grabbed MK's arm ⭐:" let's go" you grin and you both go in the cave. The cave was beautiful there was a waterfall and a wooden bridge and a lot of plants. there came an old stone wall where is painted. Mk was amazed but y/n thought these people looked pigsy similar to Sandy and was a bit confused.
🌄:" Hey there's Monkey King" he looks at the picture on the wall and suddenly we hear a whisper "Sun Wukong" and Mk rubs his eyes and suddenly everything was golden yellow colors except for y/n. Y/n saw the same as Mk except her vision was white, silver. ⭐: "What the" you look around confused and Mk panics again. 🌄:" What's going on here! Do you see that too?!" He looks at y/n. ⭐: "Yes, I see that too, Mk" both notice that the picture on the wall shines gold, silver. 🌄:"Wow" whispers Mk and then you see how wukong is born from the stone, how Monkey King got his staff, how Monkey King bows to Tang Sanzang and shows how he fights many demons, where the demons came had to think y/n she saw Macaque raise an eyebrow why is he with in that demon group.. she must aske him later when they meet Again.

Then we saw Monkey King run away and Mk immediately runs after him 🌄:"Monkey King wait" Mk try to touch him and he vanished into thin air. Y/n of course ran after Mk and we saw a hill with a house on it. 🌄:"Monkey King?" Calls Mk loud and the whole cave made echo's.
Mk is frustrated and kicks a stone away. 🌄:" What was I thinking.." He sits on the floor and crosses his arms and hides his face. 🌄:" For a moment I thought.. oh.. Tang is right, I made it all up.." y/n looks worried and kneels down and strokes his back.⭐:" Mk you didn't imagine it, I saw it all and you just wanted to help" Mk looks at y/n 🌄:"but monkey King is not here.." ⭐:" maybe he is somewhere don't give up so easily.."
Mk smiles slightly until a butterfly lands on mk's arms and Mk looks at this butterfly ⭐: "I know you from somewhere" you look at the butterfly. ☀️: "sup" says the butterfly and Mk and y/n were startled and immediately jumped up. ☀️: "Yes, yes, it's me the Monkey Kin-" the butterfly couldn't even finish talking, Mk already stepped on it. 🌄:" Is it dead?" He lifts his foot and y/n looks shocked ⭐:" Mk! We don't kill animals especially if they can talk!" You look angry at Mk.

Suddenly the butterfly glows yellow/gold and transforms into an eagle, tiger, bear and then his real self, Monkey King, and crosses his arms. 🌄:" M-monkey k-king" Mk stutters. Y/n just thought ⭐:" ok he looks like macaque but also kinda hot.. what the hell am I thinking?!". Y/n dare blush but she tries to shake it off.
☀️:" Yes the on and only" he grins and looks at y/n for a moment but his monkey tail swung slightly he was quite happy to see his love again his shooting star. But he has to focus on mk and looks back at mk ☀️:" soo where is my staff?" When Monkeyking asked this, Mk felt his eyes tear. Mk kneels down and cries 🌄: "I'm so sorry!" Monkey king and y/n look a bit shocked that suddenly Mk is crying. 🌄:" I tried to bring you the staff but Princess Ironfan and taked it, she has that glove and-" Mk couldn't finish because wukong interrupted and kneeled down to him. ☀️: "I know, I know, I'll make a clean sweep, I've been watching you" he grins widely. 🌄⭐:" What?!" Mk,y/n considered and knew these animals were wukong. 🌄:" It was you all along!" Mk makes a pouty mouth. ⭐:" I knew something was wrong with the bird! And you were the hand holding me!" Y/n felt kind of proud that she knew it was weird but also shocked. Wukong laughs at us but y/n was mad. ⭐:" So wait a second! You watched us the whole time like a stalker and let us come here even though you could help us the whole time?!" She's mad. Monkey king was surprised to see her like this ☀️:" oh.. um.. yeah?.." he was nervous now he didn't really think about it. ⭐:" Wow, that's really super mean of you!" She crosses the poor and Mk tries to calm his mother down. Monkey king huffed and went to y/n ☀️:" you're right sorry.. shooting star" and cupped her cheek affectionately. Wukong didn't want to piss y/n off if the two actually met for the first time, so to speak off.

Wukong strokes her cheek and y/n was surprised and looks into his eyes wukong and y/n eyes got soft, y/n cheeks got a little red and calmed down. ⭐:"Okey youre.. forgiven, but don't do that again" she warned. Wukong smiled and nodded, letting go of her cheek. Mk was pretty confused by the situation.

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