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Reader's Pov

 "Bucky shouldn't be president. It should be someone who looks past differences and is nice to others-" "Someone like Zed?" Eliza said, cutting me off. "Actually, I was thinking Addison would make a good president. She isn't full of herself, unlike Bucky who just proved he is with the way he just entered the stage, and she likes people for their differences." I replied.

Just then, Zed came falling into the stage. He played it cool though, like Bonzo didn't hit him in the back by accident. Zed started making a speech about why he should be president, but I wasn't listening. I had a weird feeling someone was watching me. I got my answer when Bree yelled "WEREWOLVES!" 

Zed looked confused. "Werewolves no-" but I cut him off by pointing to the werewolves. Then everyone started panicking. I wasn't scared at all for some weird reason, maybe it's living in a family of zombies but I thought they were just normal. 

I stayed where I was. Zed zombied out and I wasn't scared of that either. 

Yep, living with zombies has gotten rid of my fear of something.

As the wolves approached, I stood with Addison. I couldn't stop staring at one of them, he looked so familiar. I saw him staring back at me, we make eye contact and I got butterflies. "Hey, where's the moonstone?" One of them asked "Me?" Addison asked "No, her!" she shouted pointing me. "What? I don't know what that is." I replied. "What do you want?" Zed asked standing in front of me. 

Over protective brother.

 There was some whispering and talking between wolves. The girl who was talking earlier sighed. "We're here to join your school." 

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