Help me

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I crawl into bed after changing into my short pjs and vest. I read through the note for what feels like a million times.


I have decided to forgive you for the little slip up with Chris, you both of course will need to be punished. Sometimes we have to do things we don't like for those we love. I am however also not very happy that you did not come home last night? Where were you princess?? This is something that we will need to discuss in greater detail when we have removed other distractions.

I'll see you soon Princess.

Very soon. xx

I have pulled up Chris's number on my phone and almost called him so many times that I lost count. I'm fearful of what this person may do, but at least I'm in a house full of wolves. Surely I'm safe here. But Chris is just normal, like me, but not surrounded by wolves for protection. I'm more fearful that he will somehow get hurt, and I cant get that image out of my head.

After debating with myself I decide I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least say something to him, I don't know what exactly but I just need him to be watchful.

I bring up his number again and press call. It goes straight to voice mail so I just hang up and drop my phone on the bed.

I quickly pick up my phone again before I can change my mind and then its up to him if he reads it or not.

Me: I know this won't make any sense to you and I know you told me you wanted space from me, but I just need you to promise me that you will be careful if you are going anywhere. I can't bare the thought of you getting hurt. X

Me: I'm Sorry, stay safe x

I keep staring at my phone hoping that I will get a response but I don't. Not that I blame him. I really didn't mean to lead him on, but when I think back to our friendship and how its grown since I arrived in River Falls, I can see how he mistook my feelings for more than friendship. I'm more than a little confused about them myself. I'm so confused about everything.

Just the thought of not having him in my life....

I'm not sure I can deal with that.

The thought of not having either of them in my life. How did my life get so complicated.

I keep checking the status of the text. It still doesn't say read. I'm not even sure it's delivered. Maybe he's blocked my number. I wouldn't blame him. I eventually fall asleep clutching my phone willing it to bleep, vibrate, light up, anything. Just so I know he has got my message.

A noise outside the window wakes me while its still dark out and I get up to look out the window. The last person I thought I would see, is standing there.


I don't know weather to be happy he's here or not. I'm not too sure what Logan would do if he saw him here.

He's just stood there. Staring up to the window of the Logan's room. I'm not even sure how he knew what room I was in. What on earth was he thinking of, coming here?

I quickly slip on a hoodie and my trainers and quietly make my way down stairs. Just as I expected everyone else is in bed, so thankfully no one can see me. Trying to remember my way around the house I find the backdoor and slip out into the cold night air.

I quickly spot Chris. He is still just stood in the same place but this time his face is directed at me.

I want to shout out to him, to ask him what on earth he is doing here? But I don't want to risk someone hearing me and finding him. I don't know what they think of humans being here on their pack land. As I'm getting closer to him I notice a dark shadow moving behind him. This time though I do call out to him.... But no sound comes from my lips.

The Rogues - **Book two of River Falls series**Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum