Beomgyu : I'm up!

Y/N let out a small chuckle.

Y/N : hyung, where will we spend the night though?

Beomgyu : The principal said we both could be roommates in the dorms.

Y/N : okay. By the way , will we still get a student to show us around the school?

Beomgyu : yeah it applies for everyone even if they previously studied there.

Y/N: but I didn't study there....

Beomgyu : umm.......moving on.

They were talking about random stuff and the train slowly came to a halt.

Y/N checked looked outside.

Beomgyu : we're at our new hometown Y/N-iee.

Y/N : yeah i can tell.
She said while chuckling.

Beomgyu : come on let's go.

Y/N : alright.
She said.

□Time skip. At the dorm, after arranging everything.□

Beomgyu : I can't wait to go to school tomorrow!!!!!!
He said cheerfully.

Y/N : yay...
She replied in an uninterested way.

Beomgyu : what's wrong?

Y/N : nothing, just tired.

Beomgyu : Oh okay. Well good night
He said making his way to his room.

Y/N : Good night!
She said and plopped on her bed.

And with that they both slept awaiting their big day tomorrow.

□Time skip. Morning , 5 am□

■Y/N POV : ■

I woke up not being able to sleep and when i checked the time it was 5:00am.
I made my way to the restroom to do my routine and showered.
I came back and wore this -

I came back and wore this -

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■End of POV■

By now it was 6am so Y/N went over to Beomgyu's room to wake him up.

Y/N : hyung !!! Wake up, we gotta go to school.

Beomgyu : 5 more minutes pleeeease.
He whined.

Y/N : okay. I'll be back in 5.

□ Time skip. 5 minutes later.(obvi)□


Beomgyu woke up alerted and then calmed down.

Beomgyu : why........just why?
He asked calmly yet annoyed.

Y/N : to wake you up, heh.
She replied.while smiling.

Y/N : now go and get ready for school or we'll be late, i'll go make breakfast.

Beomgyu : okay.

□Time skip. On the way to school□

Beomgyu : i hope the person showing me around the school isn't anyone from txt.
He said

Y/N : yeah you don't wanna ruin the surprise.

And they made it in the school

(The dorms were beside the school so it was pretty close)

Y/N: Hyung today, the whole day will be free right?

Beomgyu : yeah.
He said.

Y/N : Come let's get our locker numbers and timetables.

Beomgyu : 'Kay.

◇At principal's office◇

Y/N knocks on the door to a "come in"
From the principal.

Y/N, Beomgyu : Good morning sir, they said and bowed.

Principal : Good morning! Choi Beomgyu and Choi Y/N. It's been so long!
He said with a smile

Principal : Here are your locker numbers and your timetables and the person who will show you around will be at your locker .
He said.

Y/N,Beomgyu: Yes sir, Thank you.
They said and parted their ways to their lockers.

■Beomgyu POV■
I was looking for my locker and i found it, beside it was a girl standing looking bored.
She looked at me and asked if i was the new student.

Beomgyu : Yes i am, are you the person incharge of showing me around?

???: Yeah, nice to meet you i'm Kim Ara!
She said with a smile.

Beomgyu : Nice to meet you too Ara, i'm Choi Beomgyu.
He replied.

Ara : i heard you were here before .

Beomgyu : yeah i was but then i moved to daegu...
He replied.

Ara : i see, so do you want me to show you around anyway?

Beomgyu : Sure why not.

Ara : So what year are you in Beomgyu-ssi?

Beomgyu : i'm in my 2nd year.and you?

Ara : me too. Can i see your timetable?

Beomgyu: sure, here.

Ara : so you're studying film?

Beomgyu : Yup.

Ara : we have the same classes on Thursday.
She said with a smile.

Beomgyu : oh....where are we going by the way ?

Ara : oh they built a garden outside, since you already know that school i figured you can just relax.....if it's okay with you.
She said

Beomgyu : okay let's go! Lead the way Ara.
He said smiling

Ara chuckled and led the way.


I was walking towards my locker and i saw A guy standing there.
"Guess he's the one showing me around", i thought to myself.
I went and started placing my books and
stuff in the locker when he noticed me.
Oh shit, he's Kang Taehyun....PLEASE DO NOT RECOGNIZE ME.

???: Hi, are you the new student?
He asked bluntly.

Y/N : Yes i am.
I replied the same way.

???: I'm Taehyun, i'll be showing around.
He said forwarding his hands.

Y/N: Choi Y/N.
I said while shaking his hands

Taehyun: You look familiar.
He said, after taking a good look at my face.

■Taehyun POV■

Holy shit, is that Y/N!?

What is she doing here?

Shouldn't she be in daegu with Beomgyu hyung!?

What the heck!?

-end of pov-

Y/N : Do i ? I don't remember seeing you before.

Taehyun: so shall we?
He asked?

Y/N : I used to come here for my br- for seeing the library so I kinda knkw where I'm going.

Taehyun : that makes our whole day free Y/N.

Y/N formed her mouth into an 'o' shape.

Taehyun : do you want to just walk around ?

Y/N : Sure why not.

And so they started walking

And that's chapter 1.
See you in the next one!

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