chapter 68: I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye

Start from the beginning

I duck as the orc tries to kick my head, some orcs are nimble than others that's for sure. I grab a fistful of dirt, and throw it right in his eye.

The orc was momentarily blind for a moment giving me a moment to punch his face. Making him yelp in pain more, I wrap my arms around him. Chocking him until he finally clocks out. "fifty five." I muttered.

The orc's limp body falls to the ground, I pick up my sword.  This has been the third time I dropped it today, I should hold on to it more. I look around, my crew was doing fine. I could see Kiaan, Astrid and Freya a few miles away. Freya rarely was the avid fighter, but she sure looked furious with her double blades.

There was no one left to beat up here, my section of the battlefield is done. I caught up unto Aragorn and Gimli, with Boromir coming a few seconds later. The four of us smoothly finished off the orcs, slashing and stabbing our way forward. 

A soldier was crawling away from an orc, they were both crawling which meant they were both wounded. The blond tried to reach for a nearby sword, in spite that the orc was already about to stab him.

The four of us passed through, Aragorn cut off his arm while Gimli whacks his axe into the orc's chest. Boromir finishes the job by stabbing his side.

Aragorn, Boromir and Gimli advanced to kill off more orcs, I look around, seeing if there any more nearby enemies.

I turn to leave, but I could not deny the sounds of a familiar woman sobbbing.

"you have to let me go." A weakened, though still a king's voice utters.

A small gasp escapes my lips as my eyes settle on the two relatives. My surprise for Eowyn being here was gone, too focused on the old man in front of her. Nevertheless, I was a bit offended that she'd cme here despite my warning. I call out Kiaan and Astrid's name.

Astrid looks up from killing an orc, her bangs and messed up hair covering a bit of her face. She rushes to kiaan and tells him I called him.

I ran to Theoden and Eowyn's side. "oh this is bad." I mumbled, his legs were crushed by his horse. Blood was tainting his mouth.

"ah, captain." Theoden said weakly. "I can go to my forefathers in peace now, all of my faults are settled."

I gesture to kiaan, Astrid and Freya to lift the horse up. "don't flatter yourself old man. Eowyn, help me pull your uncle out."

Eowyn, bleary eyed, wiped her tears away and nodded.

"all of you mustn't trouble yourself." Theoden struggled to protest as the horse was lifted and he was sucessfully pulled out.

I look up to astrid, gesturing for her to examine Theoden. "when there is a chance to save someone, you bet your ass I'll help you." 

Astrid sheathed her double bladed swords and touched his lower body softly. "There isn't any critical damage, but if he doesn't get healed soon, he'd lose blood gradually and..." Astrid touched Theoden's neck. 

"it would be game over." Astrid said.

I exhaled a sharp breath, locking my jaw. "Kiaan, I'm gonna need you to bring him to our ship."

Kiaan, albeit a bit flabbergasted picked theoden up, as softly as he could.

Theoden winced as he was picked up, his legs were limbless. I stood up and unsheathed my sword. I point at Freya and Astrid. "Astrid, I need you to save him. Do whatever it takes."

Astrid nodded, her hands gripping her double swords nervously.

"Freya, I need you to cover them both. And I'll need you to heal Eowyn's wounds-" my words were cut off as Eowyn shook her head. She picked up her sword and ran back out into the battlefield. Not saying anything to us.

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