Right Here 1☕

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The boy furiously kicked his best friend's bedroom door, screaming his name loudly that even their neighbors can hear him already.

"We're late for school! What the hell are you--"

His school uniform isn't worn very well, his pants obviously did not meet the iron for a long while now. His raven hair looks so messy, the strands literally going to every direction it knows. His face shown signs of worrying. He found his friend laying on the bed under a pile of thick blankets. Only his blond, single curl of hair can be seen popping out at the side of the said pile. A concerned look is now plastered on his face.

Mikaela, the blond who is laying lifeless on the bed, languidly turned his head to face the intruder who broke into his room during his rest, but not before sliding his hand out of his pile of blankets and lowering it to eye-level. His vision is kind of blurry. His head is pounding everytime he moves. And he feels so cold that he thinks these blankets aren't helping him at all. He sees his roommate staring back at him, worrying.

"Ahh... Yuu-chan..." Mika forced a smile to come out but his cough beat him to it. Cough. Another cough. Another one.

Yuu runs quickly beside Mika and kneels beside his bed. He looks so worried, or much more panicked. "Mika! Oh my God, are you alright?" Yuu places his hand on his roommate's forehead, discovering that Mika definitely has a fever. "You're burning!"

Mika coughs again before speaking. "Calm down, Yuu-chan. I'll be fine. You can go to school without me. Tell the professor that I cannot attend school today because of my fever."

"What are you saying? I can't do that! I'm staying here with you. I am going to take care of you, Mika." Yuu says, still worrying for his friend.

"But--...sigh... There's no point arguing with you, is there? You'll win against me, whatever I say. Well then, Yuu-chan, I allow you to stay here with me and skip school because of my fever." He chuckles lightly, "Thank you, Yuu-chan. I appreciate your help." This time, his small smile was a success.

"Ha! You bet, Mika! Trust me. You'll be fine in no time." The raven stands up, feeling proud of himself. He earns a light chuckle from Mika, and it made him grin.

He notices Mika's blue eyes looking dull and his face looking all pale. Yuu then realizes that Mika is probably hungry. He hasn't eaten breakfast yet and it's time for him to cook for his best friend.

"You must be hungry, Mika. I'll cook something for you. What do you want?" Asked Yuu.

Mika smiles. "That's great to hear, Yuu-chan. Now that I think of it, I haven't tasted Yuu-chan's cooking before. I would be glad to taste a soup that's been made by you. Oh and if you wouldn't mind, I would also like to have a hot chocolate, please. That would really help me get rid of my cold. Thank you, Yuu-chan."

Yuu smiles back as he turns around to leave the room. "I'll be back with your order, Mika. Just rest there and I will take care of everything..."

"...or not."

The raven boy stares stupefyingly at the kitchen utensils and ingredients he just took out from their refrigerator. It took him five solid minutes to realize--

"I can't cook... I forgot that I can't cook! Uurrgghhh... jeez! Now what? I promised Mika that I will cook for him!" He messes his hair with his hand, walking back and forth inside the kitchen with the kitchen tools and ingredients he does not know how to use. "Damn it!" He spat curses here and there, trying to calm himself down as he thinks of what else he can do. "Ah! I can order at the nearest fast food restaurant for a soup. Yeah... that will work."

He was about to make a call when...

"Now that I think of it, I haven't tasted Yuu-chan's cooking before. I would be glad to taste a soup that's been made by you."


He violently places the phone down, which made a loud sound, and sat on the chair near his reach.

"Yuu-chan? What was that? Is everything alright?" Mika's muffled voice can be heared from his bedroom. Apparently, the loud bam! reached his room.

Yuu stutters at first. "Uhh... Y-Yeah! Everything's f-fine! I hit the table, that's why." He lets out a nervous laugh.

"Really? Be careful, okay? You don't have to push yourself in doing all these because of me, Yuu-chan..."

"What? No! Don't say that. I want to help you get better. I will do everything I can to help. So just relax, Mika. I'm...uhh... already cooking your soup."

"Alright then..."

He waits for Mika to speak again but it looks like the blond's already resting. Yuu takes a peak behind, staring at the ingredients on the table. His green orbs then reached the cupboards. 'What about I try doing the hot chocolate first. I've been doing my own hot chocolate since... I dunno... when we were still in the orphanage maybe? So this will be a piece of cake, just that, I don't know how to bake one.'

The raven made his way to the cupboard, reaching for a cup. He also reached for the jar of chocolate powder and the container of the powdered milk. He scoops out 3 teaspoons of chocolate and 1 teaspoon for the milk. He added a little sugar and then waited for the water in the kettle to boil. Once it's done, he poured the hot, boiling water onto the cup and gave the cup a nice stir before carrying it to Mika's room.


"Mika, here's your hot chocolate." He grins at Mika. He places the hot cup on the bedside table, while Mika struggles to push his blankets down so he can drink his hot chocolate while sitting properly. Yuu helped him get up, he gives Mika his hot chocolate.

Sip. "It tastes good, Yuu-chan. Thank you. I feel slightly better now." The blond, once again, gives Yuu a warm smile.

The warmth of Mika's smile sent an equal warmth to Yuu's body. The raven boy's heart beats slightly faster than usual, pink dust formed on his cheek. He wishes to ignore it, but he just simply can't. He admits that he keeps feeling this whenever Mika smiles at him. And he has no idea why this feeling keeps on popping out. Maybe he was just really feeling happy that he keeps on making Mika smile. He chose to hang on that.

|(。・ω・)ノ゙ Hello there!
So, I made a MikaYuu fanfic because this couple is just freaking cute with a little drama because they got separated and all! XD I recently got addicted to Owari no Seraph. I love how Guren and Yuu sometimes are just alike and yes, I ship Yuu with almost anyone. But I looooveee MikaYuu much more ^O^

This is a two-shot fanfic. Imma post the other one soon(⌒▽⌒)

Votes and comments are much appreciated (*'∀`*) thankiiees~|

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