crushes // tntduo

742 21 34

Man I am so sorry with all of the really short ones, like as much as tntduo captivates me, these motivational skills captivate me even more. Also I like the short fluff chapters more than the needlessly lengthed (lengthed isn't a word) out ones, like, so much pointless babbling man, for what, to reach 1k words... Oh well.

Um. This was supposed to be made like, a month ago, lol!!!! Literally when the qsmp was only bilingual what the scallop. And I did so awful for me to procrastinate for so long, like, I'm sorry man. I'm still on my q!Wilbur using he/they streak (I started using she/him for c!Wil, as well as the other silly bursonas mostly have their own pronouns. I have gazillions of headcanons for the bursonas (mainly c!wil though)) Enough babbling lol I just really like talking about pointless things like this even if it's kinda unrelated. Umm... Tallulah back at it, truthing the gays. 

Might change the title. Also ew gross fluff/romance yucky! Starting to think I'm on the aro spectrum again because this stuff gives me the icks!!!

oh happy pride I guess.




Wilbur strums his guitar mindlessly, Tallulah's babbling on about some flowers that he's never heard of, he's listening, occasionally tuning in, but Quackity's responding to the little girl most.

The trio ended up in a field, plenty of flowers, under Tallulah's guidance, of course.

Sat in the grass, Wilbur leaned his back on Quackity's back, letting their head rest on Quackity's head, his tall height almost captivating the other. He considered giving up on his guitar, and simply nestle against Quackity, but he knew he needed to prepare for his upcoming tour (which, they weren't doing much preparation, just spending time with his daughter and friend, but it's the effort that counts).

Wilbur almost dozed off a few times, engulfed in Quackity's, surprising, warmth. Quackity snickers every time, causing the brunette to arouse from their small slumber.

Tallulah briefly pauses her long babbles of flower science, only to raise an eyebrow and stare at the two, putting her hands on her hips.

"Papi." she says with a huff. "I thought you said you didn't like tío Quackity." Tallulah firmly spoke, shaking her head subtly with a disappointed expression. Wilbur's eyes widened.

"Tallulah, I thought we- I thought we already discussed this, these aren't questions for right now, um, why don't you continue on your flowers?" Wilbur states while slightly cocking his head to the side towards Tallulah, placing his guitar down in the grass. The small word stumbles and topic switching caught Quackity's interest, moving to the side, letting Wilbur fall over due to the sudden lack of support.

"We can talk about flowers later." the ravenette says, watching Wilbur rest his head on his legs.

Wilbur glares at him.

"Thought you said you didn't like me," he continues, repeating Tallulah's words with a small, cocky smirk. "Sure," Quackity rolls his eyes, "Speak your truth, it's pride month, I know I'm just so irresistible that you won't be able keep it in much longer."

"You're irritable." the brunette huffs, "watch your words, too." he glances at Tallulah - who simply rolls her eyes, bored of the two already.

Quackity's smirk grows, as he tosses his head back and holds himself up with his hands in the grass, behind him. "Of course." he simply replies. Wilbur bites his cheek.

"Shut up." Wilbur says, closing his eyes and hiding his face with a hand.

"I'm being quiet!" the other laughs back, lightly shoving Wilbur, doing little to nothing.

Tallulah blankly stares, then mutters "I shouldn't have brought it up.." she sighs, then goes back to picking flowers, as if trying to talk to them again would be of no use.

Quackity subtly messes with the taller's hair, who starts to shift, causing Quackity to put a hand on their chest, making them almost instantly pause. Wilbur hesitantly brings his hand up, then sets his own on top, not holding the hand, or entwining fingers (ew gross), but just resting the hand on top. Quackity chuckles.

This wasn't what Quackity wanted, this wasn't what he wished for, and it wasn't in his motives, but somehow, the sleepy man below him became the top of his priorities. All he wanted was to make his way into their little family, only for Tallulah, only because he saw Tallulah as some sick replacement in the beginning, but that changed. She's more than that, the family is more than that. Of course he invited himself in, Wilbur not getting any opinion of sorts on it, it just happened because Quackity is That Persistent (and stubborn) (and conniving) (and mischievous), but Quackity didn't expect to get so attached, he especially didn't expect to do so with the person he previously thought was the cause of his son's death, or the one he used to consider an absent parent.

But it happened, and who was he to argue with that?

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