
I landed, snapping out of my sorrow and focusing on the run down building that was apparently the destination. 

"this is it..?"

The tracker lead the coordinates to underneath the building.


I began to follow the coordinates.


"well. we're moving already."

I followed A.

~=V and Uzi=~



I got to the edge of the coordinates, and it led me to a staircase that led to a secret lab under the building. i walked down the staircase.


"A? doesn't that look sketchy?...eh she's gone already."

I followed her down the dark staircase.


It was a lab. and it was full of..

"my god..."

Things used to build Cryo drones, Things to build me. This wave of sorrow swept over me, as the tools that sat there for memory wiping laid on counters and oil stained trays. i felt emotions i never had remembered until this point. digital tears threatened my visor in empathy. I looked over to a chair that had a name on it, "lorelei elrod". i looked over at an operating table Then a sudden flash of memory blurred my vision. it was a scene of horror, control and empathy, as a man demanded she cut the drone's life short on the table. lorelei told him that all of his work would be useless, and every bit of time that he put into them would be gone, and the man slapped her across the face, and told her to do it. I couldn't recognize the man, but some threatening aura emitted from him. like he was hateful, and more spite-filled than a man whose lost everything from another man. 


"holy shit.."

My own trauma came back a bit, but i pushed it back when i realized A standing there, motionlessly. 


I looked over at a table of documents. there was a document on my squad.. Yep, here come the digital water works. I picked it up and went through them, it read as follows: "A: assigned leader due to immense willpower and strength. has shown no mercy in testing and most efficiency in missions. X: Second in command. Seems to have a strong bond with A. Is very light hearted so we correct him many times. will kill when he is told. I: Childish and immature. Has a strong bond with A. Has to be corrected a lot of times, but will kill when she is told." My tears rolled down my cheeks as i read the documents. i missed them, i missed them so much. i just wanted to see them again and be able to see their faces. I hated how they were treated in their chambers, the constant abuse they suffered, it pained me.

"i'm sorry it was like that.."

i murmured to myself, wiping my tears.

I then felt a fourth page on the back of all of them.



"A, Are you okay?"

I rested a hand on her shoulder


I finally got down the stairs after looking around the upper parts of the building

"this is a pretty creepy place. What the hell happened to her?"

Designation Forgotten  [Murder Drones Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED.]Where stories live. Discover now