an idiot

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"Oh would u look at that, guess the crown prince finally found time to bless us with his presence" taehyung said sarcastically not sparing a glance to the person who entered.

Jungkook sighed his hair a mess and his bones a lil more visible, he looked well as people call "horrible" and well it wasnt really his fault?

Jungkook had to learn all the duties, be the best in every field before his cornation which is why he forgot to take care of himself.

There were times when taehyung had to go and give q biscut to him atleast to not starve but that too would just be kept at the desk and not eaten

Why? Simply bcs jungkook would be too busy in his work that he would forget to eat.

"Your majesty why dont u go and get your fits ready, u shouldnt be wasting your pRecIous time with me" taehyung smiled looking at him sarcastically.

But taehyungs smile faded looking at the way jungkook was looking.

His heart tore up a bit and he felt someone had takenn his heart out leaving a hollow cut.

His eyes tore up but he looked away when jungkook came closer.

Taehyung didnt wanna look at him bcs damn taehyung wished he could just take the boy away from any harm given.

He wanted to stay mad, he really tried but then jungkook collapsed in his arms and taehyung felt tears run down his cheecks.

Not wanting to worry jungkook he wiped his tears hugging him close to him

"Told u to rest u idiot, u look like a zombie, i dont like it, just to let u know your charm aint showing" taehyung pouted nuzzling himself in jungkooks neck making jungkook choke out a tired laugh.

With little to no energy in him jungkook just decided to kiss his lovers neck keeping him close.

The funny thing was how just a touch from taehyung and he felt already energized.

He looked from taehyung shoulders to see tears streaming down his lovers eyes.

And goddamn was jungkook mad at himself, why did he not realise he needed to take care of himself?

He sighed his hands slowly going to wipe the tears off.

"Dont cry my love, i cant bear seeing tears in your eyes, moreover me being the reason" jungkook mumbled kissing his cheeck.

"Lets go make u eat something gukkie, it makes me feel i am hugging some bones" taehyung cringed.

And who was jungkook to say no?

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