✦ C H A P T E R - O N E ✦

Start from the beginning

I could feel them release their breaths.

Why are they so relieved? I thought to myself.

"That's alright, I am the eldest of 6 brothers. You can call me Romano" I heard the first one introduce himself.

"Hello bambina, I am their father, Lucian Lombardino" the next person introduced.

I could sense one more person in the room and I tried to locate him using my senses.

I guess they knew that I was looking for the third person in the room and I heard chuckles resonate through the room.

"You did guess correctly flower, I am the third oldest Thazaldir, the rest of the brothers are all downstairs, ok?" the last person introduced himself.

"Little flower, just listen to us first before making any decisions ok? We all know you weren't treated right here so we just want to take you with us and give you the life you deserve alright?" I think it was Lucian who talked this time.

"We just want to give you the life you deserve, and seeing you in that condition was already taking a toll on us. For some reason, there is this weird pull between us and I don't want to deny that. We all want to protect you and keep you safe bambina" I heard Romano say.

I contemplated my options.

Do I want to stay here and continue to feel their torture or go with them? But I don't know what they will do once I go with them.

What if they show their true colors once I go with them?

I looked up and tried to spot him because due to my blindness, I couldn't see a thing except for the endless pit of darkness that I am surrounded with.

I guess he sensed I was looking for him and he gently touched my hand making me halt in search of finding him.

"Have you come to a decision little one?" he asked again softly.

I tried to open up my mouth and say something but nothing came out. I knew why nothing came out.

I have never spoken in my entire life, even if I did all I did was scream.

I couldn't bare to speak because even if I did, there would be nobody to talk to.

All my attempts to speak were fruitless, I didn't know how else to communicate and started to squirm around as tears gathered in my eyes.

I guess he notices my frustration because I could feel something cold touch my hand and a notepad on my lap.

I thanked them in my mind.

I took the pen and notebook and tried my best to write down what I thought would be the right answer.

I wrote a "yes" on the paper and I could feel them all sighing as I revealed my answer to them.

They asked me to get up from the bed, I tried to stand but I just started to fall back down on the ground again.

I knew what would happen now, all of them would start laughing because I was just a pathetic and useless girl. Who needs assistance to even stand?

But I didn't hear any rude snarky comments or laughter.

Instead, I felt two pairs of hands studying me properly and making me stand on my feet.

They both held one hand each and guided me toward the door.

I couldn't take another step because I have never been allowed anywhere outside this room my entire life.

I felt someone pick me up birthday style and continue walking.

I just clutched their shirt tightly and closed my eyes as I welcomed sleep.

Before I felt myself drift away all I could think about was I hope I don't regret doing this to myself at all. 




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Author's Note:

Hello Peaches!

~ 1456 Words ~

I hope you all really liked this chapter! How do you like it so far?

Comments? Questions?


My Writing Updates Schedule:

For updating this book. I have been thinking of doing it every Wednesday and Friday. If you want it any other days do let me know but that is going to be the times that I will be updating this book from now up!


Have fun reading!

Yours, WQ ❤︎

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