Chapter 11

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I ate a texan meal meaning enough food to feed eighteen people by the size of the plate I was offered. I hopped on the train again. I sat down on a different train that promised to take me to the native lands. I watched as the scenery change to trees covered in moss. The path was flanked on both sides with trees. Soon people were screamed because the train appeared to have gone through a tunnel or some other dark place. It was a tunnel. The trees were so dense that light couldn't pass through. My eyes adjusted immediately so it made no difference. I did see fireflies and other luminous creatures flying around giving forest an ethereal feeling. Then the next thing I knew I was seeing people living in treehouses. They were connected to one another by bridges made form what appears to be rope. They had no elevator. They had rope ladders to climb up the trees. I saw no bears. These guys were carrying baskets of herbs and other stuff they have clearly foraged from the forest. They waved at us as we passed by.

The next stop was Evermoore. This place had people living in caves and treehouses. We were told not to disembark from the train since the locals are sensitive about the outsiders. Any provocation could convince them to kill us. The people were looking inside and one of the locals saw me. I got bored of the place and walked back to my room. I heard yelling so I turned to see that he was pointing at me. He was blabbering about something but I chose to ignore it. When train tried to leave he tried to climb aboard. Thankfully his family yanked him out and told him off. The guy was staring at me with weirdly.

I asked the conductor what happened and he replied, "The guy wanted you to be his wife. If you had refused he says he would eat you." I laughed as I recalled that I am poisonous. He would drop dead if he took a bite. The conductor gave me an 'Are you crazy or stupid' look. I coughed up and pretended to realize he was serious. I apologized and made it look as though I won't do it again.

The conductor gave me a once over and he asked me where I was going. I said I am going to the native lands to visit my grandparents. They are not doing so well these days so I am hoping to see them before their funeral. I also blurted out that I informed them that I am taking this train to see them. He gave me a solemn look and walked back to his car.

I watched the landscape change to barren wasteland before the land started to sprout trees again. We arrived at Native Crow lands at midnight. I picked up my bag and hopped off. I walked past the natives that were building teepees. I asked them if there was a place that I could stay for the night. They said if I was a supernatural creature then I can stay for free. I happily declared myself human. They pointed at a trail. That leads to a cabin. I was welcomed by an old lady and her nephew.  It turns out all the supernatural creatures left native lands because they were tired of being asked to change them.

I moved my stuff to the room they assigned me. I came downstairs to smell fresh blood and baked goods. I politely asked them what they were baking. It smells really good. Their face fell as they had assumed that a vampire had moved here. They thought they could trick me into revealing myself. They said it was braised Bison. I sat down and thanked them for a delicious meal. They served it with corn bread. I have broccoli soup and no dessert. I asked for a glass of water and they gave me a jug.

I went to my room and pretended to sleep. I eavesdropped on their conversation. They had planned to find me or a werewolf and bleed either to acquire their ability. If I prove to be one of them than I will not be allowed to leave the land. They would kill me and than inject themselves with my blood to gain abilities. They were actually hoping to get me since they had heard so much about me. They remembered when I came to these lands a few years ago. I had refused to turn them. This time they are going to change into werewolves or me. They chose not to be vampires because they can't be out in daylight. I have the best of both worlds. So they like that ability coursing through their veins. Little did they know that I was poisonous. Then one person reminded them. The others dismissed it saying it is a lie. Then the person in question said that it was a scientist from machine city that explained to him that I was poisonous. So they have a better chance with werewolves than me. They dismissed it as a problem for later. I spend the night reading a book.

I walked into the kitchen the next morning and came down for breakfast. They smiled as they served me food. They wanted to know if I was human or not. I assumed that they have some sort of way to test. I sat down to eat and they served me eggs and bread. The woman asked me nicely if I was a werewolf. I told them I am not. They used a whistle that only animals can hear. It wasn't that annoying. I pretended not to hear it and ate the rest of my food.

I walked out into the sunlight and went for a walk. I felt like someone was following me. I hid behind a tree and when he saw that I was gone. He started to search the place. I asked him what his problem was. He called me Sasha and I gave him a stupid look and asked him, "Who the hell is Sasha?" He didn't say anything so I shook my head. He asked me how I knew that he was following me. I explained that I am a police officer. I spend my time tracking bad guy and have on occasions been tailed by a few criminals. He stared at me funny and accused me of being Sasha and I asked him how many people has he ran around with that accusation. He froze for a moment and I showed him my badge as I asked him where is his proof that I am who he says I am supposed to be. He stared at it before he walked off.

I happily walked to the gift shops and asked one of the shopkeepers if I could buy one bracelet and dreamcatcher. She happily gave me one and asked me why I was upset. I answered that some nut just accused me of being Zasha. She shook with laughter as she corrected me. "Sasha She is half vampire and half werewolf. She has unique abilities that my tribesmen think that would be sufficient to defend our tribes against the those that wish to harm us. He was particularly interested in her since he wants to be Chief." I shook my head at the answer. She smiled, "Don't ask if you don't want to hear the answer." I smiled, "I am content with the answer. Everyone else is discontent. Is it possible for me to have a vacation without any sort of drama?" She apologized as she gave me the receipt and bag of items I bought. I walked out of shop to see a few people staring at me.

I brushed them off and walked to the lake. Foreigners and locals were swimming and riding jet skis. I walked up to the guy near a desk and asked if I could join the fun. He told me to pay sixty bucks and wait in line. There was a lengthy line people waiting so I told him I will just take a seat or go swimming. He smiled, "Now that is for free" I looked around and saw people near a barbecue. I asked them if I buy a piece and they showed me it was horsemeat. I backed away politely wishing them a good day.

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