I have to know what he has to do with you because I have to protect you from his evil deeds. I have to protect you from everything bad he wants to do with you. I have to find out everything.

POV Ends

Aaron and Krysten were quietly sitting beside each other. Aaron had told her few things about Vampires and the kings while she listened to him carefully. But she couldn't figure out why all this started all of a sudden. She wanted to know the reason behind it all and now she had to find it out.

"So, now when you know my truth, you hate me?" Aaron asked, finally breaking the silence. She looked at him, straight in his eyes.

"Well I know your truth, and it doesn't change my hate for vampires but it doesn't mean I hate you, Aaron," Krysten sighed. As she said that, Aaron looked at her. He had a glimmer of hope in his eyes while she was smiling mildly.

"During my training, when I was learning about how to kill vampires, Daniel taught me a few things," she spoke. "What?" He asked curiously.

"The first thing is, not to hate on someone just because of which species they belong. He taught me that I cannot hate someone just because he is a vampire or anything else, he taught me that I can't hate an entire species, if I want to hate someone, I must have a reason good enough for that," she spoke.

"And secondly, he told me that like humans, there are two types of vampires ad well. The good ones and the bad ones. The bad ones, who are inhuman, can kill anyone just for fun, torment the less powerful and all. These are the ones that are meant to hate. If we want to hate a bloodsucking creature, these are the ones. He told us, that vampires are a part of the food chain where they need blood to survive and we can't hate on anyone who just kills someone for their own survival. So we can't hate the good vampires," Krysten continued as Aaron kept on looking at her in awe.

"And then, for you Aaron Webley, I haven't noticed a single character trait which can make me hate you. You in fact didn't even kill that girl earlier today when you could have easily done that. I have seen you saving kids. I have seen you being generous and kind, I have seen you doing and being good, how can I hate you? So yes Mr Aaron Webley, knowing your truth doesn't change the feelings I have for you. I love you and I will keep on loving you no matter what," Krysten confessed as she kept on looking into his eyes.

Aaron went near her and all of a sudden, he pressed his lips against her, kissing her slowly and softly. She responded to that kiss in the same way and it made their moment magical.

"I want to make love today," she whispered in his ears softly as he nodded looking at her. He slowly then picked her in his arms and made her lie down in the bed and then came over to her. She was looking at her, smiling as she cupped her face while he smiled.

"I want to see the real you," she spoke in a soft voice. As soon as Krysten said that, Aaron's eyes slowly turned red, his fangs started to appear and nerves bulged out on his under-eye area, making him look scary. Krysten looked at him, and she was somehow scared by him but she was still maintaining her calm.

She slowly caressed his under-eye area as he just kept on looking at him. "I am a monster," she spoke in a dark husky voice. "Not for me," she replied without even breaking the eye contact. And slowly, all the scary look Aaron had vanished slowly, his eyes turned into usual brown as his fangs disappeared and the nerve bulgings vanished as well.

"I love you," Aaron whispered. "I love you too, Aaron," Krysten replied and both of them pressed their lips against each other. They kissed each other softly yet passionately.

After kissing each other for a while, Aaron broke the kiss and then he slowly kissed on her forehead and then both of her eyes. Krysten blushed because, at that moment, she couldn't feel anything else except feeling blessed. Aaron couldn't resist smiling as he saw her blushing.

"You are so beautiful," he complimented her as he saw her blushing and smiling. The compliment from him made her blush even more as she hid herself in his shirt.

Aaron smiled as he looked at that vulnerable, blushing Krysten. He could sense all his fears disappearing as the woman he loved is still with him even after knowing his real identity. He hated whatever he did to reveal himself to her under the compulsion, but the way she reacted to it, it made him fall for her even more. It made him love her even more and he didn't want to resist the love he felt.

And that night, both of them spent a beautiful time with each other. They didn't have just some sex, instead, they made love. They loved to embrace each other, they cuddled and kissed each other much more than they had sex and all of it was just beautiful and perfect.

Usman was sitting quietly in his cabin, that's when one of his informers came to him.

"King, I have a news," the informer spoke. "Spit," Usman replied. "The compulsion didn't work. Krysten and Aaron are still together and deeply in love even after she knows that he is a vampire," he informed Usman. "Okay, now get lost," Usman ordered the informer to which he nodded and got out of the room.

"It's been a long time I have met you, my friend, Aaron" Usman spoke to himself as his evil wicked smile returned.

The next day,

Felix and Aaron were having a chat at Felix's house.

"It's Usman, he compelled me so that I could make Krysten hate me. He revealed my identity to Krysten in the worst way possible," Aaron informed her.

"Fuck, he is a bastard," Felix angrily spat.

"But it doesn't matter," Aaron spoke with a smile on his face. "And why so?" Felix asked, confused.

"Because she loves me, man. She is the one who pulled me out of the compulsion so that I don't do something more horrible. She sticked by my side even after knowing the entire truth. How can I resist her man? The woman I love, I desire, loves and desired me the same I do," Aaron spoke, his voice was filled with passion.

"But sadly, this love, this passion and desire, it won't last long," a voice echoed from the door, making Aaron and Felix look towards the door. "Usman," Aaron's voice almost choked as he saw Usman standing at the door.

"Aaron, Felix, is this the way you treat your king?" Usman mocked as he entered the house. "But we don't work for you anymore," Felix was quick enough to reply. "But that doesn't change the fact that I am your king," Usman laughed.

Felix and Aaron looked at each other and then they kneeled to pay respect to the king. Usman wickedly smiled as he saw both of them bowing down in front of him.

"Why are you here?" Aaron asked, still looking towards the ground, to avoid disrespect to the king.

"Nothing much, I am here, just to give you some of your old memories. You know the memory, when, where you killed your beloved Krysten's parents," Usman spoke.

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