9. It's Complicated

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Krysten entered her house and went straight towards the bathroom. She undressed herself and stood below the shower and closed her eyes. As the hot water droplets fell on her naked skin, she felt weird sensations. It felt like she was reliving Aaron's touch all over again. It made her feel good. It made her smile.

She didn't open her eyes after that, she just felt Aaron's presence, his touches on her body, his words, and everything else related to him. She felt extraordinary. The words of Aaron when he confessed that he can not resist her made her feel butterflies in her stomach, she felt kinda special, a feeling which she never felt in these past six years.

She thought she would never need this kind of feeling, her only motive in life would be just assassinating people and supernatural beings and having some wild sex. But the moment she felt that she felt vulnerable, and along with that vulnerable feeling, she felt beautiful. She felt like a woman who was desired, a woman who can make a man go on his knees without even doing much.

Krysten's POV

This is something I have never thought, will happen to me. I met him merely just 2 times and both of the times I felt an irresistible desire to have him. He felt the same and we both gave in to our desires. But what's this?

This is way too much weird. How can someone start to feel for someone so strongly just after two meetings? How can it be that?

That guy, Aaron, is my next target. I have been assigned to find out that he is a corrupt police officer or not and then kill him. And right now, I am having sex with him, desiring for him. He has straight in front confronted me that he feels something for me. He can not resist me. I have no idea, how to react to this man? How can I understand whatever the shit is going on?

And here I stand, under the shower, thinking about the guy, and even asking myself the same questions. Why am I feeling attracted to him? Why am I able to reciprocate to whatever he feels? Why am I just feeling like that? Why is this happening in such a way?

All this feels like it's going out of my hands, it's something that won't be under my composure any time soon. And I have no idea how to deal with all this shit.

POV Ends

Krysten was deeply indulged in the thoughts of Aaron. She was trying her best to figure it out what was happening to her and why was she behaving in such a way.

After spending an entire hour in the shower trying to figure it out what's happening, she finally got out of the shower and changed her clothes. After which she sat down in front of the mirror.

As soon as she saw herself in the mirror, she noticed something was different in her. She was glowing. Not only did she felt beautiful at that time, but she also looked beautiful as well. And that was the time, she gave up. She gave up thinking about all the complexities she thought about moments ago. And after that, she smiled. It was a warm, beautiful and heartfelt smile.

While she was completely lost in herself, that's when her phone rang, bringing her out from her thoughts. She immediately looked at her phone. It was Kevin. She picked up the call.

"Yup, Kev, say?" She spoke. "Kris, where are you again?" Kevin asked her. "In my second home, dumbo! Why are you so much concerned about me?" Krysten replied.

"Why wouldn't I? You haven't had sex in two days and you go maniac without sex," he flipped. "Who told you I am without sex, Kevin?" She rolled her eyes, "and secondly, I am right now at the sanest version I can ever be. So chillax, I am fine," she concluded.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "I am Kevin, be assured," she replied with a smile. "But why are you acting differently from the past two days Krysten? Like, you are putting yourself out from us, spending time with yourself and someone else I think. You never did that," he complained.

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