13. Love or Betrayal?

Start from the beginning

"Kris, listen.." Sam was about to say something but was interrupted by Krysten, "No Sam, let me say."

Sam and Kevin looked at Krysten. She wasn't angry or pissed off instead she looked happy, yet she was serious at this moment. Kevin somewhat understood whatever she had to tell and he tends to accept that because he saw her happy. On the other hand, when Sam speculated the reason, he didn't felt good, he didn't felt this right so he just hoped that whatever she has to say, she doesn't say anything that he is thinking.

"So guys, I want to tell you guys, that I am in a relationship for the past two months," Krysten confessed with a deep breath. "What? Who?" Kevin was shocked as he heard that while on the other hand, Sam closed his eyes, thinking that she might be lying.

"Wait a minute, but with whom?" Kevin asked looking at her. "Aaron Webley," she replied with a smile on her face. "The cop?" He asked and in reply, she nodded her head in agreement with a blush.

"Dude, tell me, everything. You guys just had a night stand, then how all this in mere two months?" Kevin asked her as he couldn't control his excitement.

"All of this happened suddenly, I mean I can't even explain how all of it just hit it. I knew he is my target and I had to get close to him, so I resided to the most easiest way, a one night stand. We had that, and then we had sex again. We kept on having it, but something changed every time we had sex. We started to feel something for each other. We started to get comfortable, we started to know each other. I understood slowly that he isn't the man I thought him to be when we first met. I saw him giving in to his desires and wanting as well, all of it went different," Krysten continued to say about Aaron and as she spoke, a sweet and innocent smile was there on her face, something which wasn't seen by Kevin or Sam for a long time.

"And then one day, he saved me from the fire, but before me, he saved those kids and that's when I realised that he indeed has a pure heart, he isn't the corrupt cop I thought him to be and that's when everything changed," a spark was there in her eyes as she spoke.

"You guys know, he made me feel different. For the first time in my life, he made me feel a feeling other than lust or anger. He made me feel happy, vulnerable and conscious all at once. He made me feel like a kid in my heart, something I was before I lost my parents. He made me feel good and amazing. He made me feel the old me, guys," she looked at Kevin who was smiling as she was expressing all about Aaron.

"Tell me then, how can I not fall in love with someone like that? How can I not be happy and feel the love? How can I not be in a relationship with a guy like that," Krysten asked both the boys.

Kevin chuckled. "You know Kris, we don't know him. Neither me nor sam either, so we do not have any right to judge Aaron about how he is as a guy or can he make you happy or not. Look it's not just about sex, it's more than that. And Kris, trust me, I am happy for you. I saw you when you were telling us about him and dude, I was dying to see you like that, happy and in love and right now, when I am seeing you like that, girl I am so so happy for you. I am so happy to see you like this for the first time in my life. Everyone deserves to be happy and when I am seeing you happy like this, man this feels so good. So congratulations, Krysten, finally you have something else in your life except killing and revenge," Kevin spoke in the happiest tone he could ever speak.

"But I don't agree, Krysten, you were supposed to kill him, not fall in love with him," Sam spoke in a frustrated tone. Krysten looked at Sam and she was shocked by his response. She didn't expect her childhood friend to respond in such a way when she falls in love, so such a response by Sam pained her somehow.

"Kris, ignore this guy, he is heartbroken by his crush now," Kevin spoke, trying to joke. "Dude, Kevin, this is no joke," Sam snapped and then walked out from there.

Krysten kept on looking at him as he walked out from there. "What happened to him?" She asked in a low tone.

"Hey, ignore him. I will talk to him, chill down, he will be all right," Kevin spoke with a smile on his face as he tried to shrug it off. "I hope he is alright, he is my childhood friend man," Krysten spoke. "He will be for sure," Kevin replied to which she smiled.

"But I will say one thing if he breaks your heart and when you kill him for doing that, you can always come to us, for emotional support and sex you know," Kevin winked, teasing her. "Shut up, Kev," she hit him on his shoulders and both of them burst out into laughter.

On the other hand, Sam directly went to Usman's cabin. "Boss, I need to inform you about something," Sam spoke as he entered the cabin. "Yes Sam, say?" Usman asked looking at him.

"Boss, Krysten fell in love," Sam spoke. "So?" Usman replied, looking at him confused. "Boss, it's someone she should have killed. The cop, her target. The one she was tipped about two months ago," Sam spoke.

"What?" Usman was shocked. "Yes, Boss," Sam nodded. "Tell me the cop's name," Usman spoke. "Aaron Webley," Sam replied.

As soon as Usman heard Aaron's name, a wicked smile appeared on his face. As Sam noticed the smile, he suspiciously looked at Usman. "My boy, chill down, this live story won't last," Usman spoke, grinning.

"How are you so sure?" Sam asked. "Because, Aaron Webley is a vampire my boy, and Krysten hates vampires," Usman replied with a wicked smile on his face.

As Sam heard that, he was shocked to the core. He couldn't figure out how to react, he just kept on looking at Usman. "Sam, focus on your work. I am assuring you, their love story would end by tomorrow morning," Usman reassured him with a smile. Sam nodded and then walked away from there.

As Sam walked out, Usman made a call. "Hello, it's Usman. I want Aaron Webley to feed directly from a human, especially a girl in the next one hour," he ordered someone on the call and then hung it up.

"Aaron Webley and Krysten, a pair I would love to break as I know their deepest darkest secrets," Usman smiled evilly as he thought about it all, "Krysten is mine," he told himself.

After having a great conversation with Kevin, Krysten walked towards her second home. She was happy and excited to spend the night with Aaron.

But as soon as she reached below the building of her home, all of her excitement and happiness was shattered into pieces. She could feel her heart racing as she felt heartbroken, angry and betrayed at the same time. She wasn't even able to believe whatever she was seeing right now but she has no other option than to believe.

"No," Krysten cried in disbelief as she saw Aaron, in his vampire form, feeding straight from the neck of a girl. 

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