Chapter Six

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It was Sunday morning and I was walking back to the commen room after finishing breakfast. I felt a familiar hand with familiar cold rings grasp my wrist and pull me in close.

"Don't you look lovely." He said.

"Why thank you Mattheo." I said. He picked me up off the ground and apperated us to outside. "Where are we going?"

"You'll have to wait and and see, princess." PRINCESS! DID HE JUST SAY PRINCESS! "Yess I did, princess." What the fuck. Hold up let me read his mind.

°•Mattheos mind•°
I love being able to read minds.
She's so pretty.

"YOU CAN READ MINDS TOO!" I yelled. Mattheo put his hand over my mouth trying to shut me up even though there was no one in site.

"Yeah. you can read minds?" Mattheo asked.

"Ever since I was a kid. Your thoughts aren't safe near me." I said.

"Never are yours." He said with a smirk. I smiled and my cheeks turned cherry red. Mattheo held out his hand and I took it. He lead me into the forbidden forest. It seemed to be out spot now.

We were leaning up against THE tree when we heard foot steps and the sound of voices. I made out one voice to  belong to Potter but I couldn't quite figure out the other voice.


P: Their in there.

?: Who?

P: Y/n Phoenix and Mattheo Riddle, Sir.

?: and why should I belive you?

P: Snape. I mean sir.

But before Potter could finish his sentence he got cut of by Snape coming into the claring and spotting Mattheo and I at the foot of the tree. "SHIT!" I yelled. We were about to about to apperate but Snape grabbed us by our ears and dragged us with him.

Harry was following close behind with a smirk plastered on his face. "POTTER YOU FUCKING SNITCH!" I yelled but Snape just yanked me by the ear.

"Detention both of you." He said. "Oh and miss Phoenix. you have detention tomorrow aswell." He then threw me and Mattheo into his potions class and locked the door.

"Who the fuck does that Potter kid think he is?" I questioned Mattheo.

"The chosen one." Mattheo said quite scencerly yet also sounding sarcastic.

°•°Time Skip to the day before break (holiday's) officially starts°•°

We have only a half day of school today so that we have time to pack before break. We are all going to Melfoy Manner for break. By we I mean me, River, Mattheo and the Melfoy's of course.

I was in the last class I had today. I was sitting next to Mattheo in potions. Snape was rambling on for the last part of the lesson. I looked at Mattheo who was mocking Snape.

The bell went and we all sprinted out of the classand up to our dorms. I packed up all my stuff into my trunk pretty quick then just waited for everyone else to finish packing so we could hangout before leaving.

I walked into the commen room and saw everyone else had finally finished packing. I checked the time and we were ment to be leaving in five minutes and we couldn't apperate because people would see us. "Shit... you guys took so long we have to go right now."
I said rather pissed.

We all made are trunks fly with our amazing magic skills and ran full speed to the entrance of hogwarts. Luckily there were still a couple carriages that hadn't left yet. We threw are trunks on the top of the carriage and piled in.

°•°Time Skip to the next morning at the melfoy manor (the reson there are a lot of time skips is because I'm getting bored of this story)°•°

I waddled downstairs and towards the dining room for breakfast. On the way I crashed into someone. But what was weird is I didn't recognize him. He was a blond boy with blue eyes and a warming smile.

"Who the fuck are you?" I questioned.

"An old friend of Mattheo's. And you are?" He asked.

"Me!? Well I'm a current friend of Mattheo's." I said. If he wasn't gonna tell me his name I wasn't gonna tell him mine. I heard something clank onto the ground behind me then someone speak.

"COREY!!" It was Mattheo and it sounded like he hated this Corey kids guts. I don't know why he didn't like him but of corse I wasn't gonna ask plus Corey is kinda cute.

"Mattheo. Hi." He said sarcastically.

"I see you've met Y/n." Mattheo said as he clenched his fists.

"If this is her then yes I have!" Corey replied. Mattheo egnored him and walked away. I followed him to see were he was going.

"I'm gonna be gone all day today my dad needs me." He said without even turning to face me. With nothing else being said he apperated away.

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