Chapter Seven

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I don't know why Mattheo had taken his anger out on me when Corey was the one he didn't like. What the fuck is he mad at me for. Just then my thought were interrupted by the Corey guy walking into my room.

"Why the fuck are you in my room!" I practically screamed at him. He shut the door behind him and pushed me against the wall. Next thing I knew his lips were on mine. I kinda liked it. I kissed back completely forgetting about Mattheo.

Corey pinned my arms against the wall and locked the door with his magic. He put a silencing spell around my room. Who the fuck did he think he was. He put his lips back on mine and pulled me closer to him. He moved his hand down to my legs and lifted me off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he started kissing along my neck.

°•°Mattheo's POV°•°
I felt really bad now. Why did I have to take my anger out on Y/n? It wasn't her fault. If anything it was Mine and Corey's. I don't know why me and Corey were still mad at eachother. Honestly I just want things to go back to the way they were.

°•°Y/n POV (you guys know what happened.)°•°
What had I just done? I was lying in bed next to a guy I had just met and why? Just because Mattheo made a mistake? All I've done is fuck things over for me and Theo. I decided it would be best if I left.

So I got up, put my cloths on, grabbed my switchblade aswell as my cigarettes and lighter, and I apperated out of there. The only place I could think of going to was this tree that I used to go to when I was younger. It was a giant pine tree in the backfield of my house. It had a platform in it that I built with my brother when we were little.

I sat on the platform just thinking about what I had done. Why was I such a fuck up. Of course I wasn't going to tell Mattheo because then he would get mad at me. Which had every right to be mad at me. But what if he finds out. That would make it worse. Oh well. I can't deal with this right now. I got a cigarette out of the packet and lit it up. I also grabbed out my switchblade.

I played with it in my hand. I felt the handle sit just perfectly in my hand. I then felt the blade with my finger tips. I pulled up my sleeve and started to carve out my arm. I carved the word slut into my arm because I deserved it. Honestly I wish I had Ms. Umbrige's quill right now. The one she made kids used in detentions.

I dangled my legs over the edge of the platform and counted down from Ten in my head. 

I push off the platform and landed on the ground with a thud a Crack and a scream, then it all went silent and faded to black.

°•°Mattheo POV°•°
I was with my father discussing what my next task would be. I felt some thing unsettling in me. I couldn't figure out what it was thought. "Son, I need you to make sure everyone is following along with their tasks. I also need you to keep and eye on Corey become close friends with him. I can't afford for him to betray us again."

I just sat there in silence trying to figure out what was making me so distracted. "Do I make myself clear?!"

"Yes, Father."

"Good, now get out of my sight!" With that I got up and walked away. I didn't go back to the Malfoy manor strait away because I was scared I had left things on a bad note. Instead I lay on my bed at my house and tried to think of what was making me so unsettled.

°•°Y/n POV°•°
Just as I thought no one came to help me but I didn't deserve it anyway, and now it's pitch black. I checked the time on my watch and it was 2.00am. Shit. How long was I out for. I felt a throbbing pain in my arm and leg.

I didn't want to go back to the Melfoy manor but I couldn't stay here. I decided to apperate to a bridge that I would hang around a lot when I was younger. It was like my second home.

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