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DARKNESS CONSUMED THEIR VISION, it was hard to tell anything was there. A vivid green light illuminated the room. Somehow, the room was more silent than before. The atmosphere was so tense. The feeling of betrayal lingered in the air. The speaker guy had lied, intentionally or not.

Dark figures covered in dark green scattered around the room. They all sat on the floor, looking exhausted. ____ spotted Skyla before heading over. Skyla held her legs close to her chest. Securing them with her arms. ____ sat beside her as Skyla scooted closer.

____ wondered what the speaker guy would do. The power outage surely cut off the speakers as well right? A few minutes had passed before a sound was heard. Behind the door, the speaker guy spoke. It was ridiculous, to say the least.

"Looks like you'll have to turn the power back on." "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT YOU'RE LITERALLY OUTSIDE. DO IT YOURSELF MOTHER FUCKER!" A student snapped. The speaker guy was quiet for a moment before continuing his speech.

"Find a way to power up the backup generator." Sounds of frustration were heard from the room. "Who knows? Maybe I'll even let you leave afterwards." They were fed up.

"You'll probably need these." An object was placed on a wooden counter. The sound was heard despite the door muffling most of the sounds. Some wondered what the item would be.

A shuffling was heard before the door opened with a slight squeak. Some people rushed out to try and find the kidnapper. He was long gone though. Flashlights were left at the same place they found the boxes. ____ picked one up, it was going to be helpful in this situation.

〃--- ʿ·˒ ➳

Batteries were scatted around. They were unusually large though. Skyla only had 2 batteries and they were already filling up her hands! ____ also had to double-check if they placed the batteries in correctly.

The search was quiet, eerily quiet. ____ was expecting something to just come out and get them. They walked around not finding any batteries. ____'s suspicions were correct as an orange line appeared on the floor.

The small footsteps were faster. And before ____ knew it, Skyla screamed. Revenge was evident in the creature's eyes. Skyla had her legs bitten off brutally. Tears welled up in her eyes. ____ charged at Orange in anger.

〃--- ʿ·˒ ➳

So that was a horrible idea. The white void was a drastic change of scenery from the dark place. Great, how were they going to do this? Scream at Skyla to put on the box? Worth a shot.

Yeah, so that didn't work because as soon as they blinked, Skyla's legs were torn off. Damn it Orange! ____ tried again and again, they failed each time and had to rethink this in the white void.

〃--- ʿ·˒ ➳

____ lunged at Skyla and pushed her away from Orange. Orange regained its balance quickly. It dashed at Skyla only to spot a large box instead. That was odd, where was the human? Did they run away?! Orange frantically looked around. It growled before following the line again.

____ let out a heavy sigh of relief. The box was cramped with Skyla inside but it was so much better than a legless Skyla. ____ stood up before folding the box. Skyla was in a different situation, however.

She barely had any time to think and find out what was happening. She was guessing this was a good thing because ____ looked so much calmer.

"I have no idea what happened but let's continue on the search!" Skyla exclaimed. ____, though still trembling and shaking from the adrenaline, agreed.

They walked around as ____ calmed down. Occasionally they would bump into Green or Blue, luckily no one died. "Why is it harder to find batteries?!" Skyla screamed. A vent nearby opened, revealing purple arms.

____ glared at Purple. The giant googly eyes stood out in the dark vents. "Skyla, let's head to the theater." "Sure." As they left ____ glanced back at Purple.

〃--- ʿ·˒ ➳

"Only 5 batteries out of 9?!" Skyla flashed her light on the generator in disbelief. Squeaky footsteps were heard. They stared at the door as Green squeezed in. It approached them.

They tiptoed away, only for ____ to slip. Skyla stared. Green swept both of them by the legs before eating Skyla and then ____. "Seriously?!" The white void greeted ____ again. They groaned in frustration before laying on the water.

Back to tip-toeing, but this time they wouldn't slip. Much to their luck, Green stepped a little bit closer and managed to throw them off balance. The nerve of this bitch-

〃--- ʿ·˒ ➳

____ placed on the box and slowly walked on the floor. Skyla noticed and followed immediately. The box had muffled out most of their louder footsteps. They headed out of the door before running away from the theater.

A vent opened up, stopping ____ abruptly. Skyla, who was following, stopped alongside them. "Hey! It's the imposter!" Skyla exclaimed, dragging out the 'Hey!' part in an attempt to lighten up the mood.

Purple had once again shown up, the atmosphere radiated anger. The duo sweatdropped. Skyla's grin faltered slightly before dragging ____ on the footprints and heading away.

Somehow, they stumbled across 2 batteries in a hallway that they have passed a thousand times. ____ dragged their hand across their face in frustration. It was dark anyways so they couldn't exactly blame themselves.

They walked around the excruciatingly long halls, occasionally checking a room or two in the process. As ____ checked a room, Skyla greeted a group that was passing by.

"Hey! Have you guys found any batteries?" Skyla asked. ____ exited the room, spotting 3 people holding a single battery. "Only 1 so far. But we went to the theater earlier and it seems like we have the last batteries..." "Me and ____ checked before, don't we need more batteries?" "Eh... maybe someone placed a battery?" ____ suggested.

"Let's walk together then." Skyla offered, and the trio hesitantly accepted. The walk was awfully quiet, it was obvious that the group was uncomfortable with Skyla's odd positivity. ____ frowned, they walked in between Skyla and the group in hopes to break this up silently. It worked slightly.

They had arrived at the machine and placed all the batteries inside. Luckily, they did not run into any of the weird creatures that resided here.

The lights turned on, flashing all of their visions temporarily. ____ closed and squinted their eyes, others followed along. They were still not used to the brightness. The speakers turned on. "Looks like we're back in business."

"Thanks for turning the power back on." "As a reward, I'm going to let you all go." The remaining classmates were silent, unsure of what to do after hearing this. "But first, I'm going to throw you a goodbye party." ____ and Skyla deadpanned.

For once, the sleeping gas wasn't sedated. The class decided to return to the room. There wasn't any exit anyways. They just had to rely on the kidnapper much to their dismay.

They all arrived at the room. Closing the door behind them. ____ sat down on the floor and Skyla repeated their action. Most of the students had gone to their beds, passing out from exhaustion. "Make sure you all redeem your party tickets." What. "After the party, I'll let you all go."

"I promise."

Hey, author here!
After this story, I want to make a story 10x longer, I'm not sure if this is a good idea because I am inexperienced. It's going to be a big project.
Thought I would give you a heads up though.

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