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THEY ROSE, finding themselves in a familiar bed. They dropped back, thinking of the events before. They were still in this horrid place. Honestly, they were tired and wanted to fall back asleep. However, the light glared straight through their eyelids. It looks like they won't be getting any sleep soon.

____ looked around, spotting some of their classmates already up. They looked exhausted, some were tearing up. The atmosphere was tense and silent. Only the occasional sobs are being heard.

____ got off the bunk bed, spotting Skyla. It seemed Skyla didn't want to talk so they sat on the side of her bed instead. Skyla looked a bit relieved at the sight of them. She let out a breath before staring again.

The speakers blared to life, waking all of the sleeping classmates. ____ covered their ears, and so did Skyla. The speakers stop ringing before their kidnapper started speaking. "Sounds like Green is awake." It seems like the monsters are named after colors.

"I think he knows you're in there." "No need to worry about him, though, he's blind." The class looked around, unsure if that made it easier or harder for them. "How can he catch you if he can't see you?" The class wanted to argue, but they were tired and traumatized.

The door swung open once again, and the class lazily walked out. They all still had their boxes so they continued walking. It seems like they had to collect food now. Although, ____ was pretty sure it was dog food.

This time only Skyla and ____ teamed up. Everyone else went in their way. It felt like time was slower, and the atmosphere weighed heavily. It was silent once again as ____ led the way.

The duo shortly arrived at the theater placing all of their food bags. They opened the food bags and placed them in their set containers. It was easy to tell because of their colors, which speaking of which hadn't Skyla said something about Rainbow Friends?

"Hey, Skyla?" She glanced at ____ curiously. "Do you think this is the Rainbow Friends factory thing that you talked about?" Skyla widened her eyes in realization.

She was thinking of that when they were first kidnapped but after finding out that she could die at any moment she stopped thinking about it. The room felt less tense as Skyla placed the pieces together.

"Rainbow Friends... The newspaper... The fucking similarities! HELL, THEY ARE NAMED AFTER FUCKING COLORS OF THE RAINBOW!" Skyla screamed out. She was frustrated. ____ finished placing all the bags and headed out to find more.

They headed out, and Skyla looked a lot better after screaming out her lungs. ____ realized the lack of food and water, and questioned how they were still living. They didn't bother since they weren't starving or thirsty.

The silent peace was short-lived as they heard squeaking sounds. It wasn't booming like Blue's footsteps which means... "Skyla..." ____ whispered. They noticed the distress on Skyla's face.

"Bye ____!" Skyla ran off playfully. ____ deadpanned and felt the floor move slightly. They weren't staying and quickly ran off refusing to turn back. They somehow ended up back at the theater and spotted a box.

"Skyla you in there?" The box shook as Slyla stepped out. "Hey! Your not dead!" Skyla smiled. ____ looked at the containers, they still needed a couple more. ____ felt someone grab their wrist. They felt themselves getting dragged as a cheeky friend continued.

〃--- ʿ·˒ ➳

"We only have one food bag." Skyla held the item disappointingly. ____ shrugged, looking around for a potential food bag. "Speaking of which we haven't seen another classmate for a while now..." Skyla strutted, and ____ followed along not wanting to be left behind.

Coincidentally, they spotted a group of classmates holding three food bags. Skyla visibly brightened at this and headed toward them. "Skyla?" One of the members questioned.

"Hi! Nice to see you aren't dead! I was getting worried..." Skyla grinned. The group felt uncomfortable, how could she be happy in a circumstance like this? "Uh... Okay... Have you seen any other of our classmates?"

"Unfortunately no." Skyla rubbed her neck awkwardly. The group tensed and decided to continue on the search, leaving Skyla and ____ behind. Skyla dimmed, letting ____ lead the way.

"You want to talk about something?" ____ tried to make a conversation. Skyla thought for a while. "I wonder what Green is like, we haven't met it other than the squeaky footsteps but that's about it..."

"I'd rather not meet it..." ____ replied, and they continued their search. They stopped in front of a random room. "Let's take a break." ____ insisted. Skyla nodded and headed into the room.

Skyla sat on the floor while ____ looked around. They didn't think of much and sat down on the floor too. "It's funny." ____ looked at Skyla. "We crashed from a school bus on the way to ODD WORLD. Then we meet these crazy mutants named after colors trying to kill us."

"Coincidentally, I just so happened to look up random crap online. I just had to, didn't I? Now I'm in a life or death situation." Skyla laughed. ____ smiled sadly. The room fell silent before ____ said something.

"Let's head back, we could be holding the last food bag for all we know." ____ stood up. Skyla followed shortly after. They passed the hallways but something was off. ____ felt it, goosebumps littered their skin.

Before they knew it Green had shown up in front of them. The duo froze, unsure whether to stay there or make a run for it. It seemed Green had heard them because it started advancing toward them.

They picked the latter and started running, however, Green swiped ____'s leg. It continuously slammed them onto the floor, the pain was unbearable. They felt themselves pass out.

____ awoke in a familiar void. "Green ass bitch..." They swore, laying on the water. They were back in the hallway. "Skyla, we are not going there." ____ exclaimed. "You died, didn't you?" The expression on their face said it all so they headed the other way.

However, it seemed that the squeaky footsteps returned. This time it was faster, and it was heading in the duo's direction. They started running, not wanting to deal with the green monster.

Luck was not on their side as Blue appeared in their direction. They both placed on their boxes, praying silently that Green wouldn't notice them despite being blind.

Blue and Green stopped in the hallway. They weren't able to pass. Green lifted its arm as if urging Blue to pass. The blue monster continued as Green's arms swung around. The boxes weren't supposed to be there.

Green picked up the first box and crushed it with ____ inside. They gasped for air as Skyla hesitantly took this moment to run. Once again, they were in the white void.

〃--- ʿ·˒ ➳

"Skyla, Green is that way and Blue is the other way." "What? How are we supposed to get through?" ____ thought for a while. "Green does lift its arms, maybe we can slide under them."

They headed in Green's direction. They stood there as Green waved its arms around. As soon as it lifted one, they ran. Green noticed and gave chase.

The theater was in view and they deposited the bag. However, they were missing one more. Luckily, a student ran in. Swiftly filling the last container.

Gas filled up the room, ____ was more at ease after finding out its just sleeping gas. It drove off any remaining oxygen. Soon they lost consciousness.

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