The Dark Chapter with some Specs

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After I screamed my lungs out, I stared at the useless organ in my hand.
My nails dug into the flesh and I slowly started to dissect one piece. And then another.
My eyes grazed the deformed lumps of flesh before the sensation lost its novelty.
Calmly, I set the lung aside, brushed off my hands, and turned around.
I shook my head.
That was not it.
After feeling dejected for a bit, I suppressed the unnecessary emotion and focused on my next step.
My chest was clamped. I thought it was my lungs. I was wrong.
Now, maybe it was my heart.
I smiled at myself. There was no mirror around, yet I felt a reflection emerge in my head.
I saw myself standing there inconspicuously.
Surrounded by an abandoned organ, probably one of the few witnesses of my desolated state.
I knew what I felt. A dynamic mixture, mainly grey, and then some specs.
I nodded at myself. The heart may be a good approach.
And if it wasn't, I could try out my gut, my stomach, my brain.
Another weirdly optimistic smile.
I had options.
No need to despair.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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Lol. Holding 'em lungs in my hand. Still not it.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu