Mr. Wrong Part 2

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She blushed, looking away for a moment as Spencer pressed the penthouse floor.

"Here we go." he held the elevator open, allowing Trina to depart before following her. He checked the time noticing it was past midnight; why did she return so late? He was sure his aunt did not keep her for that long.

He used his grandmother's spare key to unlock her door and enter. "Spencer!" Esme shrieked, but he hushed her. "He's sleeping!" His eyes narrowed at her as she laid her eyes on Trina, who seated the bag on the couch. Neither female greeted the other.

"Grandmother had an important affair to attend last minute, so I kept him until you got off from work. I thought Grandmother had forwarded the message to you." He explained, and she nodded. "I saw a missed call, but I didn't get through." Spencer nodded, "She probably got distracted and forgot to send a text, anyways goodnight."

He took Trina's hand and began to leave before Esme stopped them, well him.

"Can you stay tonight.....please?" She asked, prompting the couple to turn around slowly. "Come again?" Spencer was baffled. "After the whole kidnapping situation last year, I've never been home alone, and I'm scared to be here alone."

Spencer turned to Trina, who looked at him, conflicted on an answer. Eventually, she nodded in agreement. "Fine," Spencer answered solemnly.

Spencer held Trina close as he approached the room he stayed in before moving out.

"What is she up to?" Trina asked softly as they sat on the bed. "I don't know," Spencer replied before hearing the baby crying.


Trina woke up the next morning without Spencer at her side. She sat up, reevaluating her whereabouts before standing on her feet to make her way to the bathroom.

She washed her face and rinsed her mouth with water after realizing no extra toothbrushes were available. She raked her finger through her hair before using the brush to finish detangling it; she scolded herself for sleeping without a bonnet but shrugged it off.

She left the bathroom and began approaching the front area, where she spotted him — and Esme. She blinked rapidly as she watched from afar at the scene. He played with Ace as Esme approached them and sat awfully close to him.

She was intimately sliding her hands down his arms. However, the sudden jerk from Spencer comforted her. Her eyes shot bullets into the back of Esme's head as she approached. "Good Morning, baby," she exclaimed, kissing Spencer as she peaked at her enemy.

Portia's leg bounced as she anxiously waited for the results of a request. Her eyes watched consumers enter and exit the technology establishments as she lingered around.

"Mrs. Robinson-Ashford?" The female called out to her. She approached the register immediately, allowing the worker to direct her to the office of the male she was waiting for.

"Portia." He greeted her with a smile. Her heart raced as she noticed the freeze frame on his computer. "Bradley," she returned the gesture before briefly pointing to his screen. "Is that, is that the video?"

He nodded, playing the sixty-second footage in full. "That looks real." she gulped; for a split second, her conscience got the best of her. "of course it does. I'm a professional. Besides, technology constantly evolves. This right here is a testament and detriment to that."

Portia nodded as she examined the flawless video once again.

Her eyes widened as she could finally free her child from the hold of the Cassadines for good.

Heartbreak is a part of life; it's a learning experience she can overcome.

The drive back to Spencer's apartment was silent. They both felt the tension in the air as he pulled into the garage.

"Trina." He began, but she held her hand up. "I don't want to talk about that right now, I'm going to my mom's to get some of my things, and we'll talk when I get back." He nodded as she left his car and entered her own, driving away.

He punched the wheel, triggering the horn to respond in a squeal echoing throughout the garage.


As Trina pulled into her family home driveway, her phone pinged, notifying her that a text had come through.

She unlocked the device entering the chat belonging to an unknown number. A video attachment was placed there; she was reluctant to open it but did anyways, a moment she regretted.


"Trina!" Portia screamed out, running to her daughter, who entered the home. "Baby, I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday; I was wrong –"

"you were right." She croaked out; her words were struggling to come from her lips.

Portia noticed this immediately, guilt instantly consuming her as her daughter broke down in her arms.

"You were actually right." She whimpered as she fell to her knees in despair.

Mr. Wrong | Sprina ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt