Chapter 1: Dawn.

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Where The Wind Flows
Monday, January 13.
05:00 AM

For him, waking up was an unpleasant event.

One moment, he was floating in the Dead Sea with a glass of strawberry juice and a novel in his hand. The next he was falling through a hole dug by his default alarm sound. It was like he had just snapped his fingers and jerked awake.

For a moment he was tempted to force himself back to sleep but knowing how futile it was, he got off the bed. His older sister was already awake and had been awake for a while, judging by the books strewn across the table.

They weren't exactly close - and he was groggy from his sudden ejection from Dreamland - and therefore he didn't bother with greetings. He walked to the bathroom, took a quick shower and ten minutes later, he was fully dressed in his school uniform.

Black tailored trousers, check. White shirt, check. Navy blue tie and navy blue blazer, check. Black dress shoes, check.

Done with dressing up, he fetched himself a cup of hot tea and a pair of doughnuts.

By the time it was six o'clock, the door was closed behind him and he was well on his way to school. January around the equator was a period characterized by hot days and chilling nights, the early morning testified to that. The air was cold and he could feel it through his arms as they were not covered by his sweater.

The sun peeked from the east amidst hues of red, yellow and orange. He could see students from his school and other institutions. While some travelled on foot like him, others rode on bicycles and some were carried on motorcycles. The few who could afford it travelled in cars.

For him though, travelling by foot was his best option and thirty minutes after his departure he was through the school gates. The teacher on duty had not reported in yet but members of the Student Council were already up and about, keeping order.

By the time he got to his classroom, his sleepiness had vanished.

"Hey pal," a voice alerted him to a new presence.

To his left stood a boy his height, oftentimes assumed to be fat due to his muscular physique.

"Hey Kevin," he repeated. "Done with the Maths assignment?"

"I haven't even thought about it," Kevin replied. "How 'bout you?"

"I did it yesterday but I'm not done with the English assignment. Not to mention the Physics notes."

Kevin finally sat down. "Speaking of which, have you selected your subjects?"

"Yeah, the choice was obvious from the beginning."

His friend chuckled. "You sure, Erkin?"

Erkin sat down as well. "Why not?"

"If you chose them, you and Matthew would be the only two who'd be taking all the sciences."

"Fine by me," Erkin replied, extracting his English exercise book.

Kevin sighed, knowing when to stop talking. "Just help me do the Maths assignment."


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