Riddle x Gender neutral reader angst

Start from the beginning

Onto their small bed, the sheets damp with salty tears from Yuu, they blew into tissues countless times, before they realized, an hour and a half had passed just like that, an hour they'd never get back. They forced themself to study a little more but they couldn't, they couldn't get up. Their body made them realize just how lonely they are...just how much they wanted Riddle, "he would be a wonderful boyfriend" Yuu thought, clearing their head immediately afterwards, they pushed the thought back down, "they could never think of Riddle in that way" they shouted at their own brain for being so insolent. To them, this was serious, to them, they couldn't let themself get attached to the idea of ever being with him. They knew it would only make them feel more lonely if they fantasize about a boyfriend but now, isn't this the loneliest? Crying while trying to study in an empty small dorm room, screaming at themself internally to stop thinking about some boy..? This isn't what they planned coming here to Night Raven College.Yuu could stop themselves from soaking their desk, they put their head down and finally allowed themself to be sad, losing track of time. Falling asleep right there.

They opened their eyes slowly, the bright still illuminated light shining on their still puffy eyes "how long have I been asleep?" Yuu wonders before checking their alarm clock, it quickly reveals it's 11 pm... a while off from their 6 pm crying session, they didn't know how they allowed themself to fall asleep like that,a tingling pain in their skull, they've awoken with an awful headache. A truly unbearable migraine... they suppose it's late and nobody will be in the dorm kitchen so they can grab themself some water down there to relieve their headache and maybe some medication. They open the door quietly and walk down the dark hallways of the dormitory. The floorboards creak a slight amount but, there was surely nobody to hear them creak, right? They didn't care if they were caught or anything, they were coming down for a reason. They continue walking down the small set of stairs leading them to the first floor, walking themself over to the kitchen and walking through to the room. They slowly open the door to one of the cabinets and then grab an empty glass, turn the faucet and fill it up with plenty of cold water. They knew they probably looked like a raccoon after all that crying but they didn't keep in mind that someone might see them in their manic, migrained state.

But when they exit the kitchen, calmly with a glass of water... they hear a voice say "Yuu?"

They panic as they hear their name called, not yet seeing who's in front of them... they drop the glass of water, spilling it on the carpet and the glass manages to stay intact as it falls but the carpet is instantly covered in the liquid from the glass, a puddle formed. Yuu apologizes profusely at the spill and when they look up, they see Riddle. The one they admired so much...however, would Riddle be one to let this slide? In fear of getting collared by "off with your head',Yuu apologizes more. In the face of Riddle, Yuu could barely speak properly as is.

"I'll let you off the hook this one time, so clean this mess up at once." He said sternly to Yuu. They nodded and went back to the kitchen to grab something to dry off the water and Riddle left to go back upstairs. Yuu was really pushing through their migraine as they thought not breaking the rules and doing what they could was more important at this moment. But Riddle probably let them off the hook because there was no real rule about spilling water on the ground by accident...

Yuu finished sopping up the water from the carpet and they quietly ran back upstairs. They took some headache medicine and the pain slowly subsided. They tried their best to go to sleep and, by midnight, they fell into slumber. Waking up the next day tired and irritable but they still tried to make it through the day. As they drifted during class, their mind went to Riddle. The way he let them go, they couldn't help but see it as a little chivalrous. They couldn't help but paint him as a perfect picture in their imagination...someone perfect.

Riddle wasn't perfect. He had a short temper and a fairly feisty and high and mighty personality, the usual student wouldn't necessarily find him attractive or admirable. They usually see him as nothing more than a short-tempered figure of authority that they had to follow no matter what, lest they incur his wrath.. His signature spell. If they did, it would be a lot worse than just following the strange rules and listening. They would have to do work and menial tasks until they can remove the collar and use their magic again, so, nobody really insulted Riddle or talked bad about him. He was scary to almost everyone.

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