𝙺𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚊 𝙰𝚔𝚊𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚎 | 𝙰𝙲

Start from the beginning


I was walking from the market to buy stuff for the witch I'm supposed to call a mother. She wanted me out of the place because she would never be seen in the same room as me at all. Both my parents told me I should have just died because I never deserved to live in the first place. But too bad for them because I have so many people willing enough to have me in their families. Just thinking of that makes me smile at the thought of my new friends or family.

Once turning the corner I was getting closer to the station when I caught sight of a redhead. Getting closer I could see it was Karma but I stop in my place. Karma was letting a female kiss him and didn't let go of her. My heart was in so much pain that I dropped my groceries to clutch onto my shirt.

"I should've known he wouldn't like me, no one does" I mumble staring at the scene. Normal people would show hatred, heartbrokenness, or sadness but I couldn't pretend to be okay with this. Once I had enough of this shit, I collected whatever was salvageable and taking another way back to the station. Maybe it's time...


I slowly open my eyes to see a very bright light blinding me. Wait let me try that again...Mentally preparing I open my eyes again and slowly lift myself up to see I was in a hospital room. But my only question is how I was here and why I didn't die yet. Looking around, I definelly did not expect to see some of my friends here in the room. Lookedking down at Nagisa since he was the closest to my bed was holding my hand and his hair was down making him look cute. It looks like Karma isn't here.

"(N/n)" Nagisa said waking up sleepy. His voice at the moment made him even cuter that I was hiding a blush. Letting go of my hand to yawn, once he was more awake he turn to me. His sleepy blue eyes went wide while my dull (e/c) stare right at him. "(Y/n) you're awake!!"

Once Nagisa shouted everyone slowly woke up to see and look at me. They were freaking out looking like they had just seen a ghost and were about to cry. Everyone came into the room from the hall. Only no Koro-sensei & Karma there. But I did get a lecture from Karasuma-sensei, Bitch-sensei who was boob smothering me and getting choked from Ryoma. Yup, I can tell they missed me. I just kept apologizing to them for doing that to them.

"How long was I out," I ask once they return the spotlight to me.

"You've been out for almost two weeks and the doctors thought you were going to die. Your parents found you in your room unconscious and losing a lot of blood so they called the paramedics. The doctors found burns and cuts on your body. Who did that to you?!" Nagisa explain holding onto my hand tightly. Looking at each of them I can see they cared about me which made me happy. Taking a deep breath I told them everything from the beginning.


"We'll see you tomorrow okay (y/n), goodnight," Nagisa said leaving as he was the last one to go. Visiting hours are almost over but I doubt Karma would come to visit me. I told them about my past and Karasuma-sensei suddenly left after I finished my story.

"I see you're still awake," An all too familiar voice said in the doorway. I turn to see a redhead with a poker face and he had the same as he got closer to me. I was about to say something when I got a slap on the face pretty hard. "Why...why did you try to kill yourself? Why didn't you tell us you were going through depression? Or the fact you cut, why would you please explain now..."

"I've been trying to cope with my depression to the place where I was getting better. And I was getting better when I came to the End class. You all made me happy and want to keep living so I slowly stop cutting myself until most recently" I explain looking down at my hands in my lap. I could feel Karma's gaze wanting me to continue my story. "I'm bisexual which earns me more beatings and that would mean it's possible I would have feelings for a dude too. And that dude is you, Karma. I was going home when I saw a girl kissing you and you did nothing about it. My heart was in so much pain because I thought you would never like me back. Somehow it brought me back to suicidal thoughts."

"I knew my parents wouldn't miss me if I did I only thought none of you would miss me too. So I wanted to take my life but here I am" I continue but chuckle. "When I woke up I could see them all worried about me. Now I regret trying to end my life"

"Yeah, they think of everyone as their family which I agree with. (Y/n) you do mean so much to the gang and...even me. That girl you saw just was dared to do it so I wouldn't even consider that as my first kiss" Karma said looking at me. And all of a sudden he pulls my collar to kiss me straight on the lips. "This one is my first."

I was blushing a lot which was a first for me. Bringing myself back to reality I just smile up at him. I couldn't be any happier knowing Karma, my crush since I first step into E-class. I was about to make a move on him when the door open suddenly. Looking over to see two shadows in the doorway one was a woman and the other was of a man. I couldn't help but glare at them because they were the ones who ruined my life in the first place.

--3RD POV--

"Darling I'm so happy you're okay! Who is this?" the woman asked looking at Karma with a 'curious' expression on her face .(Y/n) held a poker face but held tightly onto Karma's hand while both the man and Karma kept still looking at each other. "Sweetie, is this your friend? We came to bring you home."

"Mother, father this is Akabane Karma, my boyfriend. Why are you here to get me? I have not been discharged from the hospital or the doctors yet." (Y/n) ask while Karma moves to the side farther away from (Y/n)'s parents who looked shocked about hearing about his personal life. They were furious about what they just heard but kept it in.

"Son we've talked about this, you're not allowed to date anyone until you're of age and not date another man. We care about your wel-"

"If you did care about my well being then you wouldn't abuse me and tell me to kill myself. No parents would say that to their own child unless they hate them. Another thing you've been against my sexuality which isn't right for you to try to change that" (Y/n) growls fueled with anger toward his parents that he kept in for so long. Both his parents were beginning to show their true colors every second.

"You listen you fuck'n brat! We gave birth to you when your mother could have had an abortion! But no we thought to keep you thinking we can have a normal son. But no we get a faggot of a son and you should have died when you had a chance to in the moment you were born. Did we have to do that? No, we saved your sorry ass so you owe us your life as a slave! Do you hear me you" (Y/n)'s dad shouts wantingnly kill him on the spot. All of a sudden his father lunged forward ready to strangle the boy. It was until something came flying his way and barely missing his head.

"You should be careful who you talk to like that because the person might be armed. And mibly want to kill you" (Y/n) warned after throwing a dagger at the man. All of a sudden Karasuma-sensei came into the room with three men.

"Mr & Mrs. (L/n) you are under arrest for child abuse and will be sent to family court. But not just that but the court itself for the crimes committed to (Y/n). The child will have to go into the registered orphanage until someone is willing to take him in. Luckily for you (Y/n), I like your spark and willing enough to take you in" Karasuma-sensei said smiling at (Y/n) while his parents were excused from the room. (Y/n) was shocked someone would want to have him live as their child. Karasuma looking over at the two just smiles before leaving. "I'll pick you up once you're discharged."

"Now...where were we," Karma asks smirking at (Y/n) who was doing the same. As they were about to kiss something was moving into the room but continued acting like they didn't hear it.

"Huhuhuhu Who knew fudanshis' get the best stuff. Ah, young love" an octopus said before almost getting shot by an anti-BB gun. Looking around to figure out who tried to shoot him saw see both Karma and (Y/n) glaring at him. "Uh, I'm in the wrong room, sorry"

As soon as possible he flew out the window and went flying straight to who knows where. Both teenagers just chuckle at the event of what just happened and both kept looking at each other. (Y/n) still holding his hand, smiling at his now boyfriend and quickly kisses him. Karma was in shock and blushed/moaned but slowly melted into it. Both were happy to be in each other's presence because they knew that they would live for each other.

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