Birth & Annoucement of Birth & Earth Update

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We are on our way to the Medical Station to have our heirs. She is in distress and I am holding her hand and kissing her head "Alistir it hurts" "I know my love we're almost there."  We landed safely and then I picked her up and carried her to the back of the ship. Once on the Station were met by Dr. Kor and my sisters. "We will take it from here my King" "No he comes or I'll have them here," Lily says screaming my sister says "Let him come Doctor" "Alright my Queen you have your wish." They wheeled her to the birthing center and I was next to her holding her hand and kissing her head "Alistir I'm scared" I whisper "I know I am scared as well my love" I whisper to her. Dr. Kor comes into the room "Alright my Queen it's time Lily take your time breathing I need you to stay calm" "It hurts doctor" "I know stay calm and still the nano helpers will get the first one" We heard it crying "we have a male my Queen." I kissed her "I love you" She started screaming in pain and the next one was here and we had a little female. She sobbed "It's alright I'm here" "Alistir I need you" "I know once we get to the Royal Birthing Wing" Dr. Kor finished and we are now in the Royal Wing. I adjusted her wrapped my arms around her waist and gently pulled her into my arms and she rested her head on my chest I kissed her head. "We did it, my love. We have 2 heirs and more to come." "Alistir I love you so much." "Rest now my love" She falls asleep in my arms.

My two sisters came to Congratulate us and to check on her. I asked them to inform her sisters they nodded and checked her out to make sure she was healing well. She was which made me smile and she smiled. She stirred and opened her eyes "My Queen how are you doing" "I feel sore from birth and I feel like I am truly safe with you Where are our babies"? She asked and they were brought to her. She picked up our son Petros and he was beautiful. She smiled and smelled him. "Alistir meet your heir and son Petros." I take him he has my chin and nose and he has Lily's hair and blue eyes. I held my son for a while and laid him back down Lily picked up our beautiful daughter Cassiopeia "Alistir meet your beautiful daughter Cassiopeia." I could not believe that I was holding my daughter I was going to protect and treat her like the princess she would be."When she is older no one will be worthy of her love" "Alistir"  I turned around my queen was concerned about me she reached out her hand and wiped away a little tear. "Are you alright my love" "Yes you have made me so proud to be your King" "Aww Alistir I love you" "And I love you Lily Flower and my Queen." We embraced he kissed me gently and I kissed him. He held me like he did the day he rescued me and saved me. He carried me to the bed and wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his chest. "Lily I had my sisters in from your sisters about the birth" I whispered to her "Thanks Alistir".

We heard a knock on the door I said open it opens to Rylon and Foxglove they came in "Lily how are you" Fox asked me "I'm sore and tired but happy I miss Dad and Mom they would have been so happy to be grandparents" "Yeah they would have been so happy for you and Alistir." Fox got closer to me and hugged me I asked "Do you want to meet your nephew and niece Foxglove"?  I picked up Petros "Meet your nephew Petros" "you named him after Dad Peter" I nodded she had a tear in her eye Rylon came closer and he looked like our Father and he cleared his throat "Rylon would you like to hold your nephew" Fox handed Petros to him. "Brother, I'm so happy for you you have your Queen and your son and heir." "I know brother it's amazing." "Fox meet your niece Cassiopeia" "She's beautiful Lily she looks like mom. I love the names you picked out by the way." "Rylon would you like to hold her" Fox handed him Cassiopeia. "She is beautiful like you my Queen" "Thank you Rylon" he nodded to me "Alistir when she gets older you are going to have to lock her up no one will ever be good for her." We laughed. We thanked them for coming. "Alistir," I say gently he rushes to me "Yes my love" he kissed me deeply and was full of passionate love he picked me up and carried me to the couch and sat down I sat on his lap he wrapped his arms around me. We sit like this for a while I love it.

"Lily love time to rest" he carried me to the bed and laid me down gently he came onto the bed and crawled next to me pulled me into his arms and covered us up I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep in his arms. He woke me up gently "It's time for you to feed our babies." She sat up and I handed her our son he began to eat by sucking on her nipple. She leaned back into my arms and whispered "This is weird" "It shouldn't my love I suck them all the time" I whisper to her ear and she smiled "You're thinking about me doing it right now" "Maybe" she says smiling our son finished his feeding and then she fed our daughter. We go back to embracing she falls asleep. Xan and Rosemary come to see her and I just love watching her with her sisters. "What are their names, Lily"?  "Well, our son is Petros" "Petros as in Peter" "Uh huh after daddy yep" "Aww Lil that's sweet"  "Our daughter is Cassiopeia" "Your favorite constellation" "Uh huh." Xan and I are just watching the two of them and they made me smile. After they left I went over to my Queen and covered her up she was sleeping. I went over to my beautiful children and kissed them. I went back to my Queen pulled her into my arms and gently kissed her lips she began stirring and she opened her beautiful blue eyes "Mmm my King" "I love you Lily" "I love you too Alistir" "I know I just gave birth I think that I want more" "rest now my love and when you're ready we will have more" I whisper she nods and rested her head on my chest. We are visited by Xeon and Willow the next day. "Oh Lily they're beautiful," Willow says I love her and her sisters "What did you name them Lily" she asked "My son is Petros and my daughter is Cassiopeia," Lily said "Beautiful you named your son after your father" Xeon says Lily nods and Willow got tears in her eyes Xeon wrapped his arms around her waist and gently pulled her into his arms and allowed her to cry. It's nice to see Xenon happy and protecting his mate. They left and it was us a little family.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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