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Somehow they managed to live and able to find hope when Seth got his new job, as an assistant manager in port operations. They try to adapt and survive the quietness and pain that they were not showing to people. At this time, when she came to her new rent home, she knew no one and no one knew about her. She was quiet, serious, crying, haunted by her present lifestyle that she never hoped would happen to her, they were sleeping on floor, they did not have bed, crying and sad, she sat on her bedroom floor, and trying to get her head hard against the wall, tears coming into her eyes, her eyes were turning red and she was hitting her head, furiously, she wanted to die, she was ready to die, it was much better to live no life than being suffocate and being live but dead from inside, her soul was crushed, her mind was empty, her loneliness had no bounds, she never ever thought that she would need her help of parents especially thinking that she would never get this kind of lifestyle, she was not adamant to connect with them, she did not visited her own once called home after giving birth to Laviana, she blamed them and hated them to marry her at such young age and not took any measures to help her, if only they would have married her latter and gave her some time she could have had her dream and today she could not live like this, especially when her own child was looking at her like this, she did not wanted to be a failure and became an example to her daughter, she wanted her daughter to live much better life and give her the world but her own daughter was looking at her, confused and sad as to what happened to her own mother, the one she played with and have fun but life made a path and chose hell for her and nobody could notice those tears, nobody could come hug her and cheer her up, nobody not even her husband Seth could feel her pain, he just did not care. He was not selfish, but he treated Elara more as a slave that a wife, her never appreciated her efforts for helping and sacrificing for her husband, she trusted him and believed him but he broke all her expectations.

Seth was a man who was more engaged in work than family, it seemed like as if he never wanted a family, he loved his home and wanted to live their forever, but his capabilities and his smartness proved to his brothers that it would be much better for his life if he started living in Quenston, he grew up in a town like small village, where he completed his studies and get into prestigious college, Lonest College for Shipping Management, Lonest town, where from he get his degree of shipping management and learned to balance time tables and check arrival messages whenever the ship arrives. 

He was the most accomplished compared to his 5 brothers including him and 3 sisters who just studied but were not able to find suitable commodities to live in countryside such as Quenston, not that they were average, but they show no interest in academic validation but rather in businesses and government jobs to work, Seth was raised by his brothers, one of which, his eldest brother, died early due to gastric cancer, not getting enough medications and having reached to a terminal stage, he unfortunately died.

 His others 4 brothers and 2 sisters as his 3rd sister was the youngest in his sibling, raised him and made him studied, as they knew that he was interested in. Many people in his localities thought that Seth's voice was very much like his expired eldest brother. Seth was only 23 when his mother died, so he and his brothers decided to cherish and respect her by making a beautiful painting which was 180 cm tall in height, painted so beautifully that whenever anyone looked at, it was a soul for eyes, he was staying alone at his college, he never felt more alone that here, he was immensely lonely and crying because he did not liked the food here nor able to understand their language and hated every minute, but he lived and lived and continued until his graduation and he finally completed and turns out he was in Top 10 best students in rank in college.

Lonest town is very much respected and admired for its beautiful fountain, incredible material they use for making their dresses, their linguistic, art, culture ,food and their dance. But as one says there are pros and cons of everything including of this town, it was situated near south east coastal plains, so the temperature here was very hot compared to many places, it was situated very much below to the plains, which make this place dry and hard to get water, sometimes it has too much water which drains the houses along with people and make it hard to live, its climatic conditions were not matched Seth's expectation, in this ton mostly people eat the non-vegetarian such as Brisket, Chicken Spinach Curry, Kebab and etc.... and the list is too long. 

He was not fond of the food but he had to survive if he wanted to get good grades, a human can only survive three days without food or water so it is almost clear that living in this place without three days without food would be difficult since because of its climatic condition, and the town could also easily get prone to diseases and infection, the healthcare facilities provided in this place was low compared to many other places primarily because of such humidity and high population expectancy and death of post reproducible ages increasing which degraded many facilities and expertise in medicine in Lonest Town, and that was the reason Seth knew that he needed to live and adapt to such ways or else he would end up in hospital for which he may not be able to pay.

Despite knowing how it feels to live alone and away from home, he still could not make up for his wife and understand her, but instead he tormented her and made her suffer and instead of apologizing for not treating his wife right, he made her apologize for her being just herself, she was fed up, of her daughter seeing at her mother like this, suicidal thoughts and depression was taking a toll on her mentally and she could not just survive in this way where her husband treats her like that and on the other place where she is lonely and her daughter is looking at her, she just could not stand being like this and so she secretly while her daughter was looking at television, she took a bag, where she took plate, spoon, few pounds and put her letter on her bedroom table and said to Laviana that mommy would come in a minute and told her to sit quiet and not allow anyone else other than her father to enter the house, she left, youthful ambitious and smart Elara soon turned to become hopeless, sad and exhausted, who taught that life can show so many cards of its game and decides such a life like hers.


Minnie King was holding her breath, nothing made her sad then realizing that the place she was assigned to fit herself is the pilgrimage with no fun except for the noises of dogs and cows, she was assigned as of today to be the detective of the locality, Hell Kry, no wonder the name has its perks. As she received a call she picked up her phone and replied, "Who's speaking?", Mr. Bass, her boss replied back and said, "How is it?"

"Worse, you took my office and now you put me in this place of stink and animal crowds which has only suicidal rates, which is of no use and is boring."

"Why don't you try to be less honest and politer, suicides are bad too, there is always a reason."

"The highest suicidal rates in this place is mostly adolescents who are scared of writing in a paper because they are too busy enjoying or too busy being thinking their own delusion."

"I am tired, Minnie, try to be less judgmental, silence and discipline might get your office back."

"You put me in this hellhole so that you could teach me how to understand emotions, this is the silliest to the excuses for the bosses to put their assistants in a crap place."

"Or maybe a lesson to you, your rude and unexpected behavior has put me in this position, live with it or learn, your choice now."

And as he said something more important, this one seemed interesting, "There is a murder in the place I assigned you, it was at the morning, the body was send to hospital for medicinal accords, turns out he was beaten to death, signs of poison and suffocation, get ready." And there he putted his phone off. Minnie couldn't be any happier, as she thought, get ready, Case Number 45. 

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