Real- ise 2

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Hello everyone

I went to kitchen cause I'm hungry,  I got nothing to eat when I searched for food, finally I decided to toast bread by myself as Dad- Mom and Aunty watching TV and I'm very hungry. And I broke the the glass😣. I was cleaning carefully but the broken glass hurt me. I dropped the idea to have snack and went back to room after cleaning kitchen and put band_aid on wound, It really hurts.... At the dinner time. I tried to eat but my finger hurts hell. Karan notice the band-aid, he first stare into my soul...I don't know why but I'm scared, I put my head down _ I was log till he take my hand
Karan scold me like anything that day. I left glass piece inside wound it seems as I didn't clean it properly..😩
And he band_aid it properly but he scold me so much and the wound is hurting too...

I'm crying and crying....CRYING..

Author pov
Preeta now can't cope with this flood of emotions. She was so afraid of getting cheated, getting into another unwanted relationship, BUT the fear of not being with karan is more painful than anything right now for her.
She started crying suddenly while standing. Her gaze was fixed where karan was sitting while ago. Sneha didn't told anything about today to Aroras. - They are not ready to talk about it but, they are so obvious that something is wrong!
Sneha : (panick) Plz.... Preeta what happen why are you crying all of sudden??
Preeta : Whats wrong with you all😭
Sneha :Nothing! We are fine....
Preeta :No... You are Not
(Sarla gets it preeta is questioning about the todays awkward silence.)
Sarala: plz... Tell me what is going on with all of you sneha.
Sneha : There is nothing to talk about ( attempt to leave)
Preeta : Aaaahhhhh..... (she screams aloud)
Rajeev arora: Sneha Plz.... Tell us, whats wrong. We are family...
Sneha :F....AM...I...LY 😭😭😭😭 YES FAMILY

Preeta comeback to senses she looks front finds sneha facing her back to her, with her head down, she was crying too... Preeta run and hug her after sometime... make Sneha to sit and she herself sit beside her. After many many many years sneha is actually giving a voice to her (her belove family i.e. Rishabh, Srishti and Karan) emotions she feels may be every minute or by every passing second.

Sneha pov
She explains the accident that happen back then😭, it was this day -
+++++++ adding

how she was a bad cook back then, Everyone loved Rakhis cooking. So many dishes of L&M are her recepies. How karan was depressed after that incident. Manya's entry and healing him.

She continue.....
I left my job cause I can't leave Inku alone and ended up taking up many odd jobs but nothing worked out, It was hard for me to take care of my family...It was helpless situlation.  Failing once and twice, ...thrice😭 I was about to give up, Rishi told he will work leaving his studies, My baby.

Karan after hearing me cry he ran out of house. After searching for 2 days we could not find him. I was so scared, And my champ! he come back with money from home and rakhis receipe dairy - He searched for it in Luthra mansion for 2 days😭 and this bussiness started with one small cafe, and it actually flourished. He told me - That I'm doing great, he will not cry from now but he become so cold instead.
Its also INKU birthday..... today. Inku's friend teased her why won't she celebrate her B'day she came back home crying one day and he told her b'day has not come and told her his birthdate as her and we celebrate her b'day on champ's b'day till she become aware of it! now she know that it was lie... So we don't celebrate our b'days here anymore nor mourn on the FAMILY which we miss each passing second.

Preeta pov
I felt every word of aunty. I heard it very clearly... My sobs are chocking me. My vision becoming blurr...

But words won't form and i just hugged aunty.

Thanks for reading.


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