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Hello everyone

At hospital
Manya : Yes Come in
........... : Good morning Doctor
Manya : Oh! (Find the sound familiar) Mrs. kapoor. Plz... Have a seat. How may I help you.
Mrs. Kapoor : Doctor actually today I'm here not for me... I'm good! Thanks for taking care of my insomnia. But I need you to take care of my husband.
Manya : Yes! When will he be joining then!
Mrs. K : He will not come here. I know! Can you give something which help him to cope up with stress. His Blood pressure is so fluctuating, he collapsed also 2 days back.
Manya : Can I know why so suddenly, he was ok last week when he accompany you here.
Mrs. K : You remember I invited you for my daighters wedding.
Manya : Yeh...
Mrs. K : That boy turned out to be cheater. He threatened us with the photos of my daughter... He is so shameless. And took all of our property.
Manya : sorry to hear this... But Mrs. Kapoor. I can't prescribe anything without even having One meeting with Mr. Kapoor. I hope you understand. Try convincing him to have visit here.

Mrs. K : I will try...  Can you also try visit our farmhouse?
Manya : I'll try.

On the way back home
Rishabh : Manya....  (open door of cabin)
Manya :Yes...yes...I'm done, Coming  (gets medical kit)
Rishabh : Why this kit now!
Manya : Can we pay a visit to Mr. Kapoor's farmhouse. I need to check on him.
Rishabh : Is he all right? Why  so sudden!
Manya :I'll explain now shall we?!!
Rishabh : Champ! Bye..see you at home
Karan : Bye...bhai, bye Bhabhi.

At Kapoor farmhouse....
Shanaya Kapoor ( daughter) : Prithvi...prithvi......  😭😭 Prithvi  (slap)
Mrs.K : Gasp...
Mr.K : You mad girl come out of your dream world, that bastard is gone...GONE FOR GOOD.
Shanaya : He will come back...dad! I know he love me.
Mrs.K : 😭😭😭😭
Manya : Aunty....
Rishabh and Manya astonished to hear prithvi 's name and they called karan here.
Manya explains that  Shanaya need her more and she proceeds with her treatment.

Karan pov
I was just leaving from hospital and got a phonecall from Rishi bhai. I laugh! Cause, i know Di might have forgotten something here while rushing back home and I have to get it!  but when I pick up the call the subject turned out serious. Its about that moron Prithvi malhotra... I finally got some lead... I vowed that I will take back everything he snatched from people. He has to pay for his sins.

I reached to Kapoor farmhouse, I heard, their properties in city, shares of company he took over it all. Its a last house they have been left out with... I convinced uncle, and he helped through his connections,  the many more bussinessmen who shared the same fate with prithvi come together.

I run errands to collect the proof. Bloody man didn't leave even his pic behind. After  2-3 months... Shanaya is getting better and god's grace she had a photo of him which she took without his notice. And miraculously I gone to many places he visited with their family... Some were reluctant but I tried hard to get CCTV footage, and I now know - that police also works for him. He has some strong connections.

But I want to avenge... For taking all the dreams of these innocent people. Because of this damn man ! Preeta cried to sleep countless night. My family suffered. I can't let him have all the fun.

I lured shirlyn in the trap and she gathered so much details of his crime - slefish people, they only think of themselves. Relationship, being faithful, these humanitarian values I'll surprised even if they know that they exist in this very earth...

I directly went to media and broadcasted and boom 🌋

Prithvi's bussiness is no more. He was taking over small companies by cheating, the bussiness he takes over their family disappear in thin air the very next day is suspicious enough, it got much media attention and his company started facing financial problems as many step back from investment. Shirlyn cheated him for money and PRITHVI gone bankcorrupt, many company came forward after seeing news and sued him for cheating - I finally submit proof in public domain.

Finally, Aroras got their property back and everyothers also... They are planning to go back ... Now! Prithvi is in jail.

Note : Karan didn't reveal himself to the public, but the truth unveil.

Thanks for reading.

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