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Hello everyone

Preeta : What did you do to my parents...damn it (Raised voice but tears 😢)
Prithvi : Not yet, I just gave them sleeping pill if you don't do as I say - What I can do you can't even imagine!
Preeta : I don't believe all this??
Shirlyn : (shows Pics of her parents tied up on chair, totally wasted, unconscious) Now do it... - I'm so done with him running around you

(Glare at Prithvi)
Prithvi : (To distract her he slap preeta hard)
Preeta : (Was shocked and Continously crying,  just getting 😵 astonished by the scenes 😭😭😭 it was so much for the poor girl. Her wishes, thoughts, so called future was ruined)

......... Iff I sign will you really leave me and parents go...plz
Shirlyn : Don't overthink, you are just  another prey - no emotions attached. Just give us our money and we will go. But if you involve police then you are done !
Preeta : I will go from here plz... Take me to my parents first.
Prithvi :First sign papers
Preeta :I Want to see my parents first, I don't believe you
Shirlyn : K

Next morning
  6:42am....ding dong
?? : Yes, Coming (Open the door)😦

Sneha: Yes..I'm coming. Whats wrong😦 (open the door to see Arora's standing there) plz... Come inside. whatswrong?

Sarla : Sneha...😭😭😭😭
Sneha : What happen to you guys, what is this?... Preeta are you Ok. Why are you crying. Bhai sahab Someone say something. I'm going nuts over here.

Preeta pov
*flashback* - explaining
I signed the papers and gave all the property to prithvi and I took Mom and Dad here, I don't know where else to go, I was just driving...  Dad and mom were unconscious till midway.
He is a cheater, He already has a girlfriend. He threatened me with the life of Mom& Dad. He said I was nothing but another prey to😥

Author pov
Poor girl just driving and driving after getting harrased, slapped hard enough. She don't even know where she is headded to... Finally when her parents get conscious they guide her there by asking one question why they were here, and inturn she told - THAT BASTA*D IS CHEATER while being mess so they drove to Mehra mansion.
Preeta actually narrated all the details to sneha ,Srishti, KARAN and Rishabh (as all were present in living room) they were now present at living room. She feel so devasted. MR.R A is so much ashamed by his choice and his heart filled with guilt that he brought that bloody man in their life and unknowingly ruined their life with his own hand. And everybody else is consoling them.

Rishabh :Lets file a complaint against that bastard first.
Sneha :Yes! We should never let them have it their way.
Srishti : That's rediculous... Lets beat them up ( seeing a red mark on preeta's cheek)
Karan : I don't think so...we should act reckless, the unbothered behaviour of them commiting this in daylight, they must have a backup plan. They seems to be so experienced. We must have a good plan

Sneha : I understand! But he has to payback.
Karan : He will aunty! I will make sure to have him payback.
Mr.R A. : This is all because of me
Preeta : I want to rest... (weakly voice out)
Srishti : Di, lets go to room. You take rest first
Sneha :Better - Preeta you go with her and you two also go and take rest. Don't think of anything now.
Rishabh : (Hug Sneha) Mom, don't worry. Everything is going to be fine.
Sneha : Hmmm....

??: DI...
(preeta faints on way, Karan run to her and feels his heart heavy to look at her pale face. He can't imagine, the day before she was a beautiful bride and now...... 😑 -It breaks his heart - His eyes get tears and he carry her from srishtis hold in bridel style and take her to his room and make her lie on bed.

out of habit😉 to walk toward his room.


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