God blessed him with that athletic body.

"Hey are you alright ?" I come back to my senses as i frown.

Yeah I'm not fine.my situation is you .

"Do I look alright to you doctor ?"

He sighs intensely .

"I may help you ."

"How ?"

"I don't know how , but as long as you stop being so abysmal to me ."

keep dreaming .

"Aah nice try, by the way you just deserve it ."
He sighs  again and sit next to me,
His eyes are so weary he appears  fatigued and  fatuous .

"Look I know that I've hurt your feelings deeply , truly it was never my intention to do that and if I could go back in time I would erase that day but I can't because im human and I make mistakes, im really sorry I don't know how I can make you believe that I do mean it ."

"If you just disappear from my sight ?" I chuckle.
"I know you don't mean that ."
"Yes I do, what makes you think I don't ."
"I know you don't hate me ." I roll my eyes .my heart jumps , I ignore the pound on my chest .
"I want to rest now heldan ."

"Look I want you to recover and I will help you for free until you  walk, I can cook for you, bath you if you want me to and I can also take you to college every single day so that you may see how sorry I am ."

What!? Is he serious ?

Who does that ?

"What a nice joke heldan."I chuckle
He stare at me and give me a heavy look and I realize he is really serious  of what he is saying .

"No, you actually kidding right ?"
"See you tomorrow morning baby girl ." he says, he smiles at me and proceed to the door as he leaves .

I bury my face with my both hands and I redden in a blush  my cheeks feels like they are burning.


"guys I'm so damn serious right now, please I need your advice should I accept this offer?" I ask Karen and amanda speaking with them through our video call, at least that's what my sister Monica had bought from my apartment to keep myself busy and when I'm bored.

I don't know if it is a good idea to let heldan stay with me, live with me ?share the same roof with me? And also be my caretaker?
That is a lot....but that way is the only way I can get the hell out of here.

"No never! He wants to fuck you!" amanda shouts, I frown after her respond Karen laughs .
Would that be the reason why he wants to help me? No, no ways.

I will murder him if he tries to .

Heldan has a girlfriend and he is trying to help me ....he is willing to fix his mistake, would that be the reason why?
No, I should not say that, but I do want to get out of this mattress.

"No, amanda that not it, I think you should agree on this girl." Karen says, I don't know if the both of them are fine but then they don't sound right or wrong.

I think I have to figure it out by myself than this two, Karen toss his chocolate brown hair to  his left shoulder _he apply his make up on and a red lip stick _i don't know why I enjoy seeing him doing that, or maybe is that I love gays so much. They so fun to hang out with and dramatic sometimes but I love Karen _i giggle as I watch Karen getting done with his make up, amanda laughs with one of her hand on her cheeks.
"So...how do I look?"
"You look fantastic." I tell him.
"Oh bitch I know, I guess amanda is pretty doing well with her make up doings, where did you get it?" he asks,
But amanda can't stop laughing at him.


That's no good .

"I made it."

Oh my god, I don't want to see what is about to happen.

"You made all of this?"

What I know is that amanda never makes any make up tutorials —what I know is that she combine some of the mascara with spicy herbs and she always thinks it will add a different look or color.
She is such a dummy and smart at the same time.i don't know if I ever heard of that.

"Oh god!" I say .

I watch Karen , I try not to close my eyes, I don't want to laugh right now .
"Why do I feel hot? my face is burning out." Karen stands up and takes a towel trying to remove the make up , —he still cries out  loud and say "Oh I'm burning!"
Amanda and I can't do nothing at all but watch him as he walks around his room trying to grab his water.
"Why would you do that amanda?"

"I just wanted to see the results."

"I'm going to kill you!"



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