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I want to go home .

It's being two weeks now that im  sleeping in these bed, for how long are they going to keep me here ?
The food is very lousy I don't want to even mention the braise.
How am I going to leave these place ?I  missed a lot of classes that I had to attend.

"There is only one way you could get out of here since you seem very desperate to get back home ."

"So sorry I don't need your advice right now ."

who would irritate me like this if not heldan?
Heldan is like an abstruse novel book.

I'm so galled that these big hospital has a lot of doctors who can  take care of me instead of him. I try hard to sleep on one flank, but my legs go against me. "Ouch!" I groan, "Oh be careful please do not move. " soon as he hears me groan, he extend his hands to my knees and try to massage or whatever the hell he is trying to do to help me, his soft hands are magical trough my knees and calming the pain, it feels like it is going away.

I'm now obscured if he is a doctor or a hand massager—— both,if he is, he might be the professional one , now I can feel my back sore, I think it needs a magical touch.

"Thank you ." I tell him, he looks  at me with a smile "You welcome, but if I discharge you now you need to assure me that you do have a janitor who will take care of you full time because sadly you can't do anything by your own for now ."

"Yes I can."I tell him by any means to make him angry, I can't control my anger and how bad I want to murder him . Being rude to him it's not summing up anything.

"Can I ask you a question ?"

"Yeah sure what ?"

"Why are you so rude with me while im trying to help you?, well at least don't take me as your ex boyfriend but as your doctor ."

Maybe he has a point. . . But it doesn't mean he don't deserve it.
I wrench my lips, and ignore him.
I don't know why I did that for, I don't want to seem stupid either and I don't want to bring the past even though it is in front of me.

"Okay look just tell me who do you live with ?"
I look around the window with my hands fondled together as I bite my lower lip again. "I live alone ."I respond, now it feels like he want to know my personal life.

"Oh, then do you have a boyfriend?" I  glimpse at him as his response really triggers me , it is  hard to answer him back instead I  look away, back these time my lips twisted.
"Okay I will take that as a no, then that means you will continue to stay here, I guess we both have to change our attitude and start afresh as we going to see more each other often in the hospital ." he says .
"Never in a million years ."I respond back at him.
"You can hire someone who will  truly help you recover but eyy I have to advice you that they extremely expensive ." he says and raise his brows as he leaves .

I don't know how I should feel about these whole thing, I can't be staying in here forever and how am I going to pay someone who can help me recover.
What I know for sure heldan is right they very expensive and when I look at my situation I only have $600,000 in my account.



Nothing  is much sadder than the situation that I am in .I'm devastated to go home, I am not concerned more about my injured legs ——my problem is that I'm allergic to hospitals, I hate the food , injection and the scents .it smells dead to me .

A knock grabs my attention from the entrance of my chamber, I turn and see heldan standing, he doesn't  have his coat on, he changed his clothes to his simple casual clothes, looks so captivating even on his every clothes he wears. I don't know if I'm stupid or a fool but my eyes peek him from down to head and. . . damn!

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