Class 1A

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Fumikage Tokoyami POV

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Fumikage Tokoyami POV

Last night as I was eating my dinner my mother came screaming and crying with tears , not of pain but with joy and she came beside me and handed me my letter with a name UA. I opened by letter and to my surprise there was a small disk inside. I lay it on the table then a projection of All might came up.

All might: Hello young Tokoyami , based on your performance in the Test ... I Congratulate you for passing !!!!! you ranked 9th in the overall ranking , with 47 villain score and 10 rescue score !! Congratulations !!!!!!!

All might: Starting tomorrow you will be in Class 1-A with your other classmates, Congratulations again . 


I was shocked as I passed the entrance exam . My parents was jumping with joy as they heard the good news . Nero's just sitting on the table eating seeds.

Fumikage: I finally passed !!!

Dark Shadow: Congratulations !!

As we keep on celebrating Nero pecks my head as a warning for being too noisy as she was eating seeds . After dinner I take a shower then go to bed happy that I was able to pass the exam and Nero followed me laying on top of my stuffed toy.

Next Day ...

I woke up to my alarm ringing . I stretch my arms out and as I open the window I remember that I got accepted in UA so I immediately take a shower , change to my school uniform and eat my breakfast , but as I go down my mom was shocked to see me in my school uniform

Mom: Fumikage why are you already in your school uniform?

Fumikage: What do you mean?? I'm going to UA

Mom: UA! It's still 5:00 in the morning . Which school will start at 5 am , I still haven't made breakfast yet. Look at Nero , she's still sleeping 

I check my watch to see that it is really 5 in the morning , I sigh and sat on the table making coffee since it's early in the morning

Mom: Why are you so early today?

Fumikage: Ummm... because it's my first day and I want to be neat and early on my first day.

Mom: Okay , since your already awake , mind helping me make pancakes

Fumikage: Sure since I have plenty of time

Mom and I start to make pancakes. I grab the flour and salt from the pantry then pour it both into a mixing bowl , then I grab 2 eggs from the fridge . I crack them both up then whisk it with the flour and salt mixture. After that I add vegetable oil and add milk to the mixture. once the mixture is done I add oil using a small brush , then once the oil is hot I add the batter and letting it cook over medium heat. once done I flip the pancakes then I place the pancakes into a plate then repeat. After a few minutes of cooking Mom starts making the coffee since I'm the one cooking . I add butter then syrup on the pancakes then voila ...

Bird of the Clover KingdomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ