032 are you okay?

Start from the beginning

"so charlotte, i gave you rundown over the phone yesterday, the audience will be getting inside in around thirty minutes and i'll start my segment ten minutes after that, uh and then you'll be on twenty after that."

"yeah, perfect sounds good," she nodded. "i'm so excited."

"great, everyone just loves you guys, jude i'm going to have to have you on sometime soon, when's that album dropping?" jimmy asked.

jude smirked, "i ain't telling a soul until it's time dude."

jimmy hummed in disappointment, "alright maybe next time. so charlotte, any questions just ask the team outside and if you need anything at all ask them or come find me. thanks so much for coming on the show."

"thanks for having me jimmy, i'll see you in a bit," she smiled, waving as jimmy left the room. she sighed, fidgeting with her fingers as jude stared at her.

"everything will be fine, tonight will be perfect, i got a feeling," jude said in comfort. "now quit being a pussy," he said, throwing one of his chips at charlottes head.


"alright charlotte, you're on in 10 seconds," one of the stage workers said as charlotte positioned herself backstage.

"love you, don't fuck up," jude said, fixing charlottes hair before disappearing further backstage.

her heart was beating out of her chest, as the waiting for jimmy's cue to send her on stage.

"please welcome, charlotte parker!"

the stage worker behind charlotte patted her shoulder and she pulled a smile at her lips, striding out onto the stage where she was immediately met with applause. jimmy stood at his desks, arms open as charlotte hurried over to hug him. she then took a seat in that famous seat many of others have sat in and waved to the audience with her radiant smile as the applause slowly died down, and when it did, she was back to square one, nervous as ever with her hands fidgeting in her lap.

"it's uh always, amazing to see you charlotte, it's been a while hasn't it?"

"it's been a while jimmy," charlotte laughed, "i used to be so like tiny in these chairs," she said, squirming in the red chair as the crowd laughed.

"yeah, last time you were uh on the show, you were...?"

"fifteen, yeah, crazy," charlotte nodded.

"yeah back then you were just starting to make a name right, and—and now you're, you're huge, you're starring in the new film adaptation of 'a good girls guide to murder,' you've been working in HBO, A24, just so many projects, you're very busy, aren't you?" jimmy asked.

"um yeah, i mean i kind of love it, i think it's all very much a learning experience, and i love what i do and my teams, so i'd say it's more fun than, y'know difficult," she said. "and i'm never really travelling for filming, so it's cool i get to stay in my hometown with my friends and my b-boyfriend." her eyes darted to the audience, expecting skeptical eyes, but there were none. just watchers.

"yeah, we need to bring matthew back on the show it's been so long uh," jimmy paused and a grin grew on his face, "is he here tonight?"

the crowd cheered as charlotte threw on a laugh and glanced back, "no, i brought my brother with me though, which is amazing of him, since he's been uh really busy working in so many different studios lately."

"well i'm going to have to speak with jude after and ask if he can give me any new album details," jimmy chuckled. "but uh, you and him have both grown up here in new york, and you have been living alone as well now has that been any different?"

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