001 sundays

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SUNDAYS were always quiet at the Parker house. the only sound tonight was the pattering rain tonight and the purring of the household cats. Leighton and Johnathan Parker were never usually home on the weekends, they were far too busy with work and preparing for the weekdays to come, sometimes even in other countries entirely. the couple wouldn't care to know where their only two children were while they were away, they trusted the twins entirely and knew they could handle themselves.

besides, they were raised to be mature like that anyways. growing up in the public eye since the day they are born, Charlotte and Jude Parker knew  they had a large reputation to follow, and god help them if they screwed it up for their parents. sure, the enjoy their jobs, charlotte being one of the top actresses of her generation and her brother being a sensational singer—but they despised how their fame prevented them from doing what they want.

charlotte spun around in her chair, bored out of her mind waiting for her friends to arrive for their weekly hangout, given they don't usually get time to see one another, another flaw of her lifestyle. she waited in silence for another five minutes before hearing the usual knocking at her bedroom window. she smiled at the sight of sadie sink, waving at her from the other side of the glass with her teeth chattering and smudged makeup from the pouring rain.

"bitch, you're getting my room all wet," charlotte laughed, pulling the redhead in once she opened the window. "come here," she mumbled, pulling her best friend into her bathroom to give her a towel for her soaking hair.

"it's freezing," sadie whined, taking off her hoodie to throw on one of charlotte's instead, along with a pair of sweatpants.

"you didn't drive here?" charlotte asked, looking out the window to the empty driveway.

sadie shook her head, "my brother took my car to some stupid party."

the two girls climbed into charlotte's bed as the brunette put on victorious for some background noise as usual.

"so," sadie said, "how's it been going with 'a good girls guide to murder'?"

"good so far, we did the table read yesteday," charlotte replied. a month prior she was cast as the lead, pippa, in the film adaptation of the book 'a good girls guide to murder,' which will definitely be one of her biggest roles so far. "guess who's playing andi bell."


"maddie ziegler. you guys used to hangout right?"

"yeah, i haven't seen her in a while. tell her i said hey," sadie said, pulling out her phone. "should i call the boys?"

charlotte nodded, getting out her phone as well to check the groupchat rhe consisted of herself, sadie, and their three other best friends, marcus, caleb, and matthew.

charlotte met them all through fields of work and some social events, mostly around when she was thirteen and began branching out in her acting career, much like the others.

matthew was the first she met through one of her brothers events, and they instantly became close. so close that by the time they were 15 they began dating up until they were 17 and knew they'd be better off as friends. marcus on the other hand dated charlotte on screen for a film they did together. in real life, the two were known as partners in crime, together almost all day everyday. then there was caleb who charlotte met through sadie when the redhead took her to visit the set of stranger things. something charlotte immediately knew off meeting caleb was that he was head over heels for sadie, though he never seemed to be able to admit it.

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