017 sibling bonding

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sibling bonding

"HI, i'm charlotte parker, and i'm gonna show you guys 10 things i can't live without," charlotte smiled into the camera, flashing her typical thumbs up.

interviews were always a favourite part of charlotte's job. well filming them that is. seeing it after and reading all the comments wasn't as fun, especially with all her recent controversy. thank god it wasn't one of those too search bar interviews where she answers what people google about her, since she already knew her current top search was 'charlotte parker and gracie abrams'.

she went breezily through the interview, even managing to sneak in a line involving promo for a good girls guide to murder, despite what her publicist would suggest.

"thank you so much for having me," she smiled to the workers on set of the interview, sipping her water and heading for the door.

"so, charlotte," her maya said, following her from behind. "i'm gonna be scheduling you down for a interview in two days, early morning, with maddie since press is starting up for the movie. it's with IMDb."

"yeah, did danny organize it," she asked, speaking of her manager.

"yup, he said it'll be good—"

"but you know what they're gonna ask about," charlotte softly said, anxiousness crawling all over her skin. "me and gracie. our parents."

maya sighed, "i know. but you'll brush those off. just make it clear the friendship isn't real, then the whole situation will die down, you and abrams can both be chill then. including your families," maya chuckled, though charlotte kept a straight face. "you guys are getting close though, huh."

"yeah. but i've been trying to distance," charlotte replied. "j-just for public safety and for my parents," she lied, knowing it was actually because she couldn't handle falling for gracie.

"good," maya nodded. "danny and i will text you info and all that later then about your following week, see you soon, charlotte."

charlotte groaned as she exited the premises, beginning her walk back home since she wasn't too far and decided not to drive. stress was overflowing her at this point, and all she wanted to bring her comfort was fall into gracie's arms, like that time she woke up in her arms, peacefully and quiet and safe from people and her parents. it was taking her all her strength to not pick up her phone and call her to see if she could come over, but she knew she had to avoid her for this to go away. she knows it's for the better.

charlotte walked down the way to her place, toning out her worries by blasting music in her headphones and deciding to stop by a nearby coffee shop to pick up a matcha she craved. she kept her head down a tad as she walked in, hoping to god she wouldn't get any unnecessary—


she turned her head, her chest tightening as she didn't want to spark yo a conversation with a fan or someone, but only to realize it was none other than her brother.

"jude," she smiled. "what're you doing here, you literally live on the other side of the city, the fuck."

"i'm working just down the street dumbass," he sassily replied. jude then seemed to notice a couple of eyes on them and even two girls from behind charlotte approaching him and her. "come with me," he said, pulling his sisters arm and guiding her outside.

"what, i want my matcha," she said, swatting at him as he pulled her out and into his car, with thankfully tinted windows.

"here," he scoffed and handed her his own drink.

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