004 wrapped in her clothes

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wrapped in her clothes

"the fuck..?" charlotte mumbled when she was awoken with a dogs tongue all up in her face. she opened her eyes and inched away from the wiener dog, groaning with her headache and rubbing her temples.

that was when she realized she wasn't in her apartment. her stomach dropped and she instantly searched for her phone, only to see it was on a wooden side table beside her, plugged in along with her purse that was beside it. almost immediately she was met with thousands of texts and missed calls, mainly from sadie and jude.

she scanned her eyes around the living room she was in, only she didn't recognize where she was at all. she did however take in that the place she was in was pretty nice. she glanced out the floor to ceiling windows as she got up to walk around. but just as she was going to head for the front door and just bolt, she saw a framed photo on the wall that made her stop.

the image of gracie abrams and olivia rodrigo was smiling at charlotte, making her headache even worse.

"no no no no," she said under her breath, running a hand through her messy and tangled hair. she recognized now as well that she wasn't in her dress, but instead a matching set of cozy black sweats that smelled like pine and coffee. "for fucks sake."

suddenly, the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs made charlotte jump. she watched as gracie appeared at the bottom of the stairs, looking absolutely miserable.

the dark haired girl was in matching dark blue sweats with the hood pulled over her head to hide her bed head. charlotte could tell she definitely had sensitive skin since her eyes were still puffy from crying last night and her nose and lips were still red as ever.

"hey," the brunette croaked, slowly waving at charlotte.

"why. the fuck. am i in your house?" charlotte asked, her fingers pinched together as she approached gracie.

"you wanted to be dropped off on the middle of the streets and i thought it'd be safer to bring you here than have you get kidnapped or something. sorry for being considerate," gracie spat back, walking to the open kitchen to make a cup of coffee. "you agreed anyways, you were wasted."

"wanna explain why i'm in your clothes?"

"you complained about sleeping in the dress," gracie replied. "want one?"

charlotte sighed with a nod and watched as gracie pulled out another mug for her. the only thing preventing both the girls to be snapping at each other or getting heated just at the others precence at the moment was that they were both miserable. gracie mentally and charlotte physically. charlotte's phone continued to ding on end until she resorted to silencing it and dropping her head to the counter with a groan. how could she casually answer those messages with 'hey i'm with gracie abrams making coffee!' out of nowhere?

"i haven't answered any texts either," gracie mumbled. "um, there was a post i saw though. we were spotted."

"no shit," charlotte replied. "were people freaking out?"

"a little," gracie shrugged. "i think most were just expecting a fight video instead."

charlotte chuckled and sipped her coffee, "honestly me too."

another long awkward moment of silence occurred after gracie's dull laughter died down and she took a seat next to charlotte at the island.

"so um, we're not gonna tell anyone right..." gracie suddenly said. "my dad would be so pissed if he found out i let you over. and i wanna forget this ever happened."

"no yeah, don't worry i'm on the same page," charlotte replied. "look um... i know you had a rough night last night and i was a mess so thanks for y'know, taking care of me last night."

gracie nodded as they both sipped their coffee's.

"yeah," she dryly replied. "anyways please don't tell anyone though about everything i told you last night. the breakup isn't public yet and um... i don't want people to know i was upset either."

"yeah sure, not like i care anyways," charlotte yawned.


"anyways, i should get outta here before we get seen again," charlotte said, finishing her coffee and scooping up her belongings. she then noticed she was still in gracie's clothes and paused to look down at herself.

"oh, don't worry you can just get home in those. it'll look like you're doing the walk of shame if people see you leaving my apartment building in the same dress you were in last night," gracie said.

"oh, yeah true," charlotte awkwardly replied. "thank you though for this all, abrams."

"yeah whatever. you owe me," gracie snapped, sounding a bit more harsh than she meant to, only due to her terrible mood though.

"ok, we'll bye," charlotte muttered, quickly walking out the front door with her jaw clenched in frustration.


after successfully getting back to her apartment from calling a driver out of gracie's apartment, charlotte immediately opened her phone to reply to all her missed messages. she flopped onto the brown leather couch in the overly spacious living room, accompanied by her cats, rue and timber, and tapped onto sadie's contact to call her.

almost immediately, she picked up.

"charlie!! where the hell have you been," sadie shouted, sounding a lot like charlottes mom. "it's literally one pm and you call now? i thought you were dead until that post came out—and then i thought you died again but by murder from gracie abrams and you were stuck in her basement and i was never gonna see you—"

"hi, how are you to you too sades," charlotte said. "i'm ok, promise. i don't know why i didn't text all night i was fucked but um... you saw that post?"

"charlotte everyone with eyes has seen the post," sadie chuckled. "so... how'd that happen?"

charlotte began to explain to sadie every piece she could manage to remember from last night, from talking to emma to falling asleep in gracie's drivers car and then waking up the next morning. it felt like she was missing something, like mentioning her hitting gracie or gracie threatening to make her life a living hell, something that would've made sense to why she and gracie have hated each other. but nothing like that happened. sure, they were bitchy to each other but that's it. it felt weird.

"and do your parents know? or i mean they definitely know, but have they texted you or called?" sadie asked.

"yeah i just haven't responded. fuck they're going to kill me," charlotte groaned as she stroaked rue's grey fur. "wanna come over and help me figure out what to say, i'm free all day."

"i would but caleb and i are reviewing lines today and practicing scenes," sadie sighed. "hey maybe go call matt and marcus, they were worried last night too."

"i will," charlotte said. "ok, i'll call you later then, bye sadie."


did anybody actually get tickets to any of gracie's canada shows because istg i don't know a single person who was able to?

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