chapter 1 "The day before School"

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At home

"Mama look at me! " a small country spoked happily with a smile on his face, the Mom looked at him,then smiled

"You look just like you father sweetie! " the Mom said sweetly, the child smiled widely

"Really? " the child asked, the mother looked at him, then smiled brightly, the child looked at the mother

"Yes sweetie" the mother said, the child smiled with happiness, the mother smiled

"Do you think I can be like papa? " the child asked politely, then looked at the floor and stared at it, thinking that his mom will say no

"Sweetie... I think you can really be like your father" the mother spoked then the child snaped out of it and looked at his mom with happiness

"You really mean that? " the child asked, then the mother nods, the child couldn't contain his happiness and hugged his mother really tight

the child went ahead to asked his father, the child was running around the house like a kid on a sugar rush, then he reached his father's room, knocked on the door, then the door opened, it was his father

"Ahh there's my shirt! " the father said, the child smiled and went inside the room

"Papa do you think I look like you? " the child asked happily, then the father smiled and chuckled

"Yes you do! " the father answered then asked if he can have his shirt back, and the child gave his father's shirt again, then the child went outside the house and played in the garden, then his mom called him to eat lunch, the child went inside to eat, as the family was eating they heard gunshot, the mother went to check what it is then they heard a scream....

Philip woke up frantically sweating,

"Another one of those dreams... " philip spoked to himself, then looked around the room as he feels anxious he looked at his hands that were shaking and philip saw the scars all over his arms because of his past, he was captured and forced to smile and if he didn't smile they would hit him, luckily he escaped...philip thought about his family
'I miss you mama and papa... '
Philip then snaped out of it and remembered that he had school tomorrow, 'ugh I hate school' philip got out of his bed and started to cook breakfast, after philip finished cooking he heard buzzing noises from his phone, 'when will they stop messaging each other? ' , philip went on ahead to check his phone, there were like thousands of messages for the gc

At the gc


Indo:wassup guys!

Indo has changed mal's name to "Milo addict"

Indo has changed philip's name to "sunshine boi"


Milo addict: Indo it's 4 in the morning and why did you change our names except yours?

Indo: what's the problem with the Nicknames??

Milo addict has change indo's name to "indomine lover"


Indomine lover: meh its kinda cool

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