chapter two

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"I am gonna miss her" Amelia yawns as she kicks her feet back onto the coffee table. "She was sweet, and good for you Jack."
I place my hand on Jacks thigh beside me as he sinks deeper into the couch. "Yeah my dear ol boy you done fucked up." I chirp, ending my sentence with a little slap.
"She was a good person but the more the days go on the more I realize maybe it was for the better." he responds, fiddling with his hands as he looks up at me. A smile creeps across his face and he leans his head back onto the fluffy couch cushion. His eyes dart over my still damp shower hair and I suddenly feel the air get more dense as the room grows quiet.

The sound of Jeremy and Colton's footsteps causes Jack to smirk again before lifting himself up and moving slightly down, creating a gap between us. Colton squishes himself comfortably on the opposite side of Jack, placing his feet up on the edge of the coffee table. Jeremy walks over and sits between Jack and I, placing his arm around my shoulder, far too nonchalantly for my liking. Colton is the house's "leader" I'd say. He is the one who often organizes parties and bosses the boys around. At first, he didn't love when Amelia,Emily and I started coming around.
Because we are women, he viewed us more as hormones rather than people. Eventually however, he realized that having girls in a house full of frat guys was a huge breath of fresh air and even asked us to move in (despite campus rules). Emily gladly accepted and spent most nights in Jack's bed creating an awful lot of noise for the rest of us.
I guess that's probably why we were all so shocked at their breakup. Emily was absolutely gorgeous, and beyond that she was the nicest girl I had ever met. Her blonde hair reached the small of her back and was almost always perfectly curled. She was the first one of Jack and Trevor's girlfriends that I actually kind of liked. She had motherly instincts to the next level, taking care of every boy in the house when they needed....and from what it sounded like, she was great in bed.

Amelia and I chose to decline Colton's offer. I stayed at my apartment most of the time, and Amelia would spend most of her time at her sorority. Her and I got along...but I couldn't shake the feeling she didn't really like me.
She sends me an odd look from across the room as Trevor sits down besides her. I take a deep breath as she looks at the boy between me and Jack, raising her eyebrow suspiciously. Trevor hands her a water bottle and wraps his arm around her shoulders before turning to look at me. "Maybe it's starting to feel like a good thing because you are finally coming to terms with how madly in love you are with Mar-" he is cut off by the gagging sound of Amelia shoving a marshmallow in his mouth roughly. She raises her eyebrows warningly at him and he struggles to chuckle, practically choking on the gooey mess.
Amelia fakes a smile as she looks over at Jack. "Sorry he has no manners."
I roll my eyes at Trevor who munches obnoxiously on the marsh mallow as he smirks, squeezing his girlfriend closer to his side. "Told ya she's into choking." Trevor mumbles.
This causes Amelia to smack him on the thigh and push herself out of his side "Trevor Zegras" she barks, eyeing him. "You told them what?!"
Jack and I laugh to each other as Trevor's eyes widen. "Huh?" He grumbles, swallowing the last bit of mush. "I was joking. Right guys? Tell her, I'm just fucking around."

Jack laughs as he looks past Jeremy and at me, "I don't know Marce, didn't he bring that up the other day on the way to practice? Something along the lines of...'Amelia likes it when I-"
Amelia scoffs loudly and rolls her eyes at Trevor, turning her back completely to him but stays directly against him.
"Don't worry Amelia, he also told me this morning that he likes it when you-"
"Marcie Robbins!" Trevor yells loudly, "You swore!".
Jack and I snort and Amelia's face softens. "Ha!" she screams, pointing her tiny finger in Trevor's face. Trevor glares at me for a moment before snapping his teeth teasingly at Amelia's finger. "Trust me Marce if you wanna play that game I'll play that game." He says, breaking his words up between snaps of his jaw as Amelia continues to poke at him.

Jeremy sighs as he positions the remote to the screen in front of the group and clicks on a film.
"What ever happened between you and Em?" Jeremy asks in a strange tone, nipping the air of the room into a fog.
Trevor looks at me as I try to get Jermeys attention without Jack noticing.
"Jeremy" I whisper as I gently smack at his leg. "Let's not talk about this.."
Jeremy smiles strangely and nods me off, looking from me to Jack. "Nothing really bro, i guess things just sorta fizzled or whatever." Jack responds as he fiddles with the jaw string of his sweat pants.

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